Friday, June 9, 2023

The Pride just keeps on rollin'. Downhill, that is...

It seems as if every corporate aattempt of trying to appear as 'inclusive' somehow backfires on them. Case in poiint? Why did Cracker Barrel feel the need to promote their own version of joining the pride parade when they should have known better?
MarketWatch is asking a valid question here: 'Has Cracker Barrel Old Country Stores gone woke'? The meat loaf and fried steak purveyor, founded in Middle Tennessee and overwhelmingly concentrated in Old Dixie, has been criticized for a diversity, equity and inclusion campaign.
“We take no pleasure in reporting that Cracker Barrel has fallen,” tweeted the Texas Family Project. As evidence, the Texas group cited a two-page flyer from the restaurant chain celebrating Pride month, and its participation which seemingly looked to be a few rainbow-colored sponsored rocking chairs.
Now' I've been to many a Cracker Barrel on many occassions - hell, there's one not a mile from my house. I've seen an awful lotta Grannies there, but don't know if I've ever seen a tranny.
Inclusion of all different types and races of people is very important - we all know that. It appears, however, that's it's not a very good marketing concept. My thinking is simple. 
The message of inclusion and understanding should be taught in the home and in your churches. Having a restaurant, a big-box store or a beer company lecture me on it is just inappropriate and, in my opinion, ill-conceived as a marketing strategy.
If you're interested in reading MarketWatch's story on this, click here:


  1. Are they NOT AWARE of who eats there? Or who USED TO?

  2. Think about it, their target market in in their name.

  3. Cracker Barrel is awful these days. Used to be reliable, fast service, reasonable prices. Hadn't been to one in a while, stopped for breakfast in NC on a road trip. Expected a quick turnaround. Most of the restaurant was 'closed' - at least 50 tables empty- and they had customers lined up out the door waiting for one of the 15 or so they were running. Wait was at least 30 min; service slow. Managed to cost me an hour and a half for poor food and high prices. I'm done. This cracker ain't dumb enough to stop in again.

  4. Seen a lot of rear ends in Cracker Barrel, but no trannies....

  5. Are these corporations trying to force us to eat at places like Popeyes?


What - a doll...