Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The Governor is behind the bar at the V...

Ron DeSantis hopped behind a Nevada bar last week and elicited rapturous laughter when he told patrons that he’d serve them “anything except Bud Light.”
DeSantis was slinging beverages to a crowd gathered at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 9211 bar in Reno, Nevada, on Friday when he made the joke at the expense of the light beer brand that has been mired in controversy since it screwed the pooch back in April. “Just so you know, I’ll serve you anything except Bud Light,” DeSantis told customers sitting at the bar – known as “the Bunker” – evoking laughter. 
The full article is here:

1 comment:

  1. Not in a million years Gov-you could have supported DJT in 2024, stayed on track in FL being a good Gov and had 100% solid MAGA support in 2028 but noooo, you peed your pants dude.


And what are they drinking in your state?

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