Saturday, June 3, 2023

Going to the casino any time soon? Might wanna read this first...


  1. #16: Casinos care just as much about you as the democrats.

  2. As a long long time Nevada resident I can tell you that all those big fancy posh casinos weren't built and paid for by giving money to gamblers. The only way to actually win at a casino is to take advantage of things they offer for free or very inexpensively to get you in the door but do it WITHOUT gambling. For every person who wins a big jackpot in a casino a hundred people LOSE the money the gamble with.

  3. The carpeting in most casino is intentionally chosen to be ugly and jarring to keep your eyes up and looking at the other stimuli. Slot machine payout rates are adjusted regularly during the day. Down to keep the waiting lines from getting too long, up if there’s a fall-off of players. I worked (briefly) for one of the largest casinos in the world.

  4. I always approach casino gambling as a competition with myself to see how much time I can "buy" with a set amount of money before going broke. Since I'll always lose, if I can last 3 hours without hitting an ATM I define that as a win. Plus a few free drinks and flirting with the waitresses and it's a good use of my time.

  5. Notice the size of the buildings. And the decor. They aren't losing money....and it's not a zero sum game. But- it's no different from any other thing you do for fun; have an entertainment budget, and spend it. Ignore the finger wagging scolds who think this is somehow less moral or ethical than spending a grand for a ticket to "Hamilton" or taking a trip to Hawaii.
