Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Even the Olympics ain't what they usta be. Just ask 'em in France...

French financial police Tuesday morning searched the headquarters 
of the Paris 2024 Olympics as part of an investigation into the awarding of public contracts.
In an internal email to staff seen by POLITICO, the organizing committee said searches were carried out by “teams from the criminal police and the public prosecutor” who are “collecting documents.”
The prospect of potential corruption involving contracts could deliver a reputational knock to French President Emmanuel Macron, who has stressed to his ministers the importance of a successful Paris Olympics, which were awarded to the French capital in July 2017, a few months after he was first elected.


  1. They are as third world banana Republic as the US. NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

  2. This has been going on with the Olympics for a long time. Like Anoonymous says above, they indeed are as third world corrupt as the US.

  3. I'm SHOCKED I tell you! SHOCKED! It could have been worse, they only work 4 days a week.
