Thursday, June 8, 2023

Bumpy flight? They say 'Blame climate change'. I call bullshit. Again...

The Guardian reporting - The climate crisis is leading to more turbulence during flights, driving up costs and increasing the risks for passengers and crew, according to new research.
The study found that warmer air, caused by carbon emissions, is creating bumpier flights around the world with severe turbulence in the North Atlantic up by 55% since 1979.
The study’s co-author Mark Prosser, from the University of Reading, said every additional minute spent travelling through turbulence increased the wear and tear on an aircraft, as well as the risk of injuries to passengers and flight attendants.

I really gotta get in to this whole 'study' business. An awful lotta people - mostly geeks, I'm sure - are making shitloads of money doing 'studies'. I wonder who it is who asks them to do this nonsense...


  1. caused by carbon emissions
    Just keep telling me that is Why,, I'm sure I'll start believing it soon.

  2. I believe it is easier to blame the cost of fuel and the desire to reduce fuel loads which prevents deviations around storms. The reduction of fuel loads to save money is well documented. The recent movie, "Plane", illustrates an exaggerated consequence of this cost savings.

  3. "The study found that warmer air, caused by carbon emissions, is creating bumpier flights around the world with severe turbulence in the North Atlantic up by 55% since 1979."

    The most obvious sign that this "study" is bullshit nonsense is that the "researchers" have no way of knowing or proving that warmer air is being caused by carbon emissions. Absolutely no legitimate way. They packed a bunch of nonsense assumptions into a headline grabbing package. The University of Reading should fire or expel everyone involved. They have brought nothing but shame and disgrace onto their school.

  4. I call BS on this study. I'm a professional pilot. If you report 'extreme turbulence' to air traffic control, they will ask some questions and report the turbulence to other aircraft passing through that area. Pilots can make reports on any weather phenomena, but there is no requrement to do so and only a small percentage of pilots give reports. So where is the documentation for this study coming from?

  5. Maybe it's fewer qualified pilots since the covid scam?



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