Wednesday, June 21, 2023

At least we know where most of them are...

Nearly one third of all people who are 'unhoused' (why do we have to keep making up words for shit we already have good words for) in the United States live in the Land of Fruits and Nuts - Golden State.
The California Statewide Study of 'People Experiencing Homelessness' also reveals 50% of all 'unsheltered' people in the country – who may or may not have a car to sleep in – live in California. Almost 90% reported that the cost of housing was the main reason they could not escape homelessness. "The results of the study confirm that far too many Californians experience homelessness because they cannot afford housing," wrote Margot Kushel, a principal investigator of the study and director at the University of California, San Francisco's Benioff 'Homelessness and Housing Initiative'.

Wanna keep reading? Here ya go:


  1. California of course being the state where they get the most government freebees, that then are traded in for their favorite drug of choice, keeping them homeless, and the victim that democrats want them to be.

  2. Good. California can have all of them.
    They can't afford housing. No shit, Sherlock. And why is that? Because they can't hold a job. And why is that? Because they are druggies or mentally ill or criminals or too stupid to do anything productive, or some combination of the four. The stat is something like 12% of the population has an IQ under 83, making them untrainable and useless for anything.

    1. Going to the state with the highest housing costs doesn't help much either.


Figure this one out, Auntie...