Monday, May 1, 2023

Who's fault is it really, Lori? Certainly not the President's - no...

POLITICO - Mayor Lori Lightfoot on Sunday urged Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to stop shipping busloads of migrants to Chicago, saying the city does not have the resources to absorb more.
“Your lack of consideration or coordination in an attempt to cause chaos and score political points has resulted in a critical tipping point in our ability to receive individuals and families in a safe, orderly, and dignified way,” said Lightfoot, a Democrat who is set to leave office in May, in the letter to Abbott, a Republican.



Six years later and they still don't get it. 
Don't you find yourself torturing your brain trying to understand why these motherfuckers are allowing so many illegals to enter the country? Since Biden's taken office - a very L O N G two and a half years now, more than 7,500,000 have entered the country - and that's only the ones we know about.

A display of an Indian being tied for execution by Canon by British Empire Soldiers at The History Museum of Lahore. They really did shit like this...


Saying she had been informed that Texas meant to resume sending migrants on May 1, Lightfoot added: “We simply have no more shelters, spaces, or resources to accommodate an increase of individuals at this level, with little coordination or care, that does not pose a risk to them or others.”

Whoever the writer and editor are, they obviously 
didn't grow up in the same neighborhood that I did.

Michelle Obama brought 'her musical skills' to a surprise onstage appearance at a Bruce Springsteen concert on Friday.
The former first lady joined the iconic musician, who is currently on an international tour with the E Street Band, for his performance in Barcelona, Spain, this weekend. According to The Independent, Obama, and actress Kate Capshaw teamed up with Springsteen's wife and bandmate Patti Scialfa to sing backup vocals for his 1984 song "Glory Days." Footage from the concert shows Barack Obama and Capshaw's husband, filmmaker Steven Spielberg, were in attendance, dancing and filming near the stage. Just fuckin' shoot me and be done with it...


This is what happens when you have such a porous border. This guy was kicked out three different times and managed to get back in with no problem. It makes no fuckin' sense at all to me - it must to somebody...


As my old friend Mustard usta say -
 'They could fuck up a one-car funeral...'

After every family vacation in the 60's, this was a 'must-stop'.

I would have to believe the suicide rates must be incredibly high in China. There's just no fucking way I would ever wanna deal with a clusterfuck this size. And this ain't the only one. Google search this shit and you'll come up with hundreds of 'em. No fuckin' way I'd do something like that twice...

Mother's Day is two weeks from yesterday.
 Are you going to wait until the last 
minute to get her something nice?
You can do that. Wait 'til the very last minute and get her
some cheap-ass chinese made bulshit at the gas station.
 I'm sure she'll be overjoyed at your thoughtfullness.

OR - you could get her something like this... 

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings.
They're only $ 18.00 and that includes free shipping!
 You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 
This is an Army Air Force B-25 Mitchell bomber flying over the crater of Mt. Vesuvius in Italy in May of 1945.

I finally figured out who she is. 
Her name is Megan Fox...
I'm tellin' ya - it's the same dame...


  1. Texas is just advancing the principle of equity so that Chicago can share the same humanitarian crisis that Texas has to deal with because of the Democrats' inability and unwillingness to protect our borders.. FU Chicago.

  2. Suck it up Groot; you didn't say shit when Texas was being overrun with illegals.
    And as regards Springsteen's backup vocalists: What, Yoko Ono wasn't available?

  3. Meagan Fox… Doable.

  4. You mean to tell me that all this time it's not Angelina Jolie? And your definition of "doable" must be the same as mine.

  5. Yes, the British did indeed execute rebels like this. Before you criticise however, read of Cawnpore


Okay - ya got me yesterday. Let's try again with her...

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