Wednesday, May 10, 2023

We touched on this insanity this morning. Here's a follow-up. Jeez...

I know I run the risk of pissing a couple of you guys off, but fuck it - not only do I not like the company Apple, I've always thought Mac users were snobs about their computers. It's a fuckin' computer, dude - lighten up already. Whew.
Anyway, if I ever was gonna buy anything made the company that jerkoff Steve Jobs created, it certainly ain't ever gonna happen now that the stores are getting unionized. Imagine that - giving a tip to a geek who's in a union for his/her $14.00 an hour job... Go figure.

Read this story and weep for their parents:


  1. At one point, the Mac was provably better than any of the Wintel systems. That ended when Apple went to the Intel chips and Microsoft copied the Apple GUI. Today, Apple is a closed, expensive, ecosystem with little to recommend it. It is no longer bulletproof hardware and intuitive software; it's simply a plantation, as Wintel is. Different overloards, same results. Linux is where the Mac users of yesterday have moved. Opensource matches, or beats, Microsoft.

  2. So you'll be paying $3000 for an apple computer that would cost you less than $1000 when buying a PC?
    And then tip them?

  3. The wife and i have never had an apple product

  4. Tipping is fine provided there are -5%, -10% and -20% options for bad service as well.
