Wednesday, May 10, 2023

It's in the water out there. It has to be. People in California aren't the same as us. It's that simple... - San Francisco supervisor Dean Preston ( a Democratic Socialist who grew up in Greenwich Village) announced Tuesday that he is calling for legislation to limit security guards’ ability to use to guns to protect property.
Preston announced the legislative push on Twitter, where he said, “Today at the board of supervisors I will be calling for legislation to specifically prohibit security guards from drawing their weapons to protect property.”
He added, “Human life is more important than property. We need to change our local law so that security guards cannot unholster their weapons just to protect property.”

My father usta say about people like this guy that they're spoiled little brats who never got their asses kicked in a schoolyard. I couldn't agree more.


  1. gee, does that mean the assholes can come to their place and take their shit too ? or this only for the stores that are left in that shit hole of a state ? dave in pa.

  2. Apparently the dead giveaway "(a Democrat Socialist who grew up in Greenwich Village)" wasn't obvious enough for you:

    Most of the @$$holes folks keep making fun of in California aren't even FROM California.
    They're overwhelmingly your own toothless banjo-playing kinfolk from 49 other states.
    The greatest argument against immigration is to look at what people from the Other 49 did to California in the last 50 years.
    Own your idiots, and take them back, and well do just fine with only the few homegrown ones when we aren't carrying the load for everyplace else.

  3. "People in California aren't the same as us. ".
    Yes, they are GODS (in their own eyes).

  4. So does that apply to Brinks? Asking for a friend.

  5. If the perp brandishes a gun, knife, club, or other weapon in the commission of the theft, then the security guard is not using his or her gun to protect property, but to protect human lives (the guard's, the employees of the store, customers, etc.). If the thieves are unarmed, I guess the guards will just have to subdue them with choke-holds. (Oh no, wait . . .)
