Friday, May 5, 2023

His game musta REALLY sucked that day... and other sources A local dentist has entered a plea in an alleged golf club beating at Harbor Hills Country Club. Dr. Eddie Cha Orobitg entered a plea of not guilty on Wednesday to a felony charge of aggravated battery in Lake County Court. Orobitg was apparently enraged Sunday afternoon when he was golfing at Harbor Hills in Lady Lake when a husband and wife walked near him on the golf cart path.
Orobitg told the couple they were not supposed to walk on the golf course path “as it is intended for golf carts and it is a rule of the golf course.”
The native of Korea who served as a dental officer with the U.S. Navy at the submarine base in Kings Bay, Ga. hit the man on the leg with his golf club. The man tried to defend himself with a water bottle, but Orobitg continued to strike him with the golf club.
By the time deputies arrived on the scene, the man was covered with blood. EMS personnel determined the man had suffered potentially broken ribs, a potentially broken jaw, a ripped earlobe and possibly a traumatic brain injury. 

He (the victim) was transported by ambulance to a local hospital. 
The victim’s wife corroborated his version of the story.

Mother's Day IS next weekend.
 Are you going to wait until the last 
minute to get her something nice?

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet.
There is only one available and people are interested in it.
 You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

(FYI -The stones in it are primarily Unakite. A good quality unakite is considered a semiprecious stone; 
it will take a good polish and is often used in jewelry as beads or cabochons and other lapidary work such as eggs, 
spheres and animal carvings. It is also referred to as epidotized or epidote granite.)


  1. I thought golf was a "Gentleman's game."

  2. Ass hole dentist? Uh, yeah. He's gonna find out what it's like to have the wrong cavity filled.

