Saturday, May 27, 2023

This ABCDLGQP stuff is getting old. Maybe people are just tired of hearing it all day, every day...

The designer behind Target’s Pride Month collection – who is trans and gay (figure that one out) – has condemned the “religious right” critics after his items were removed by Target amid anti-LGBTQ threats. 
Listen - I really do believe everyone has the right to be whoever and whatever they want to be. We all understand that. I think people are just tired of having to hear about it all the time. 
The amazing thing is, despite the backlash, orders for his Pride collection has reportedly surged as people show their support for the designer. 
Read the article here if you're interested:


  1. i will bet he will be opening up a store in iran or maybe saudi arabia.

  2. They just need to keep their sticky little fingers off of kids and they'll have very little trouble. If they can't do that, their going to bring hell down on themselves.

    1. This. It's not about "transphobia". It is about protecting children from predators.

  3. Surged as in he got an extra 10 orders last week but it won't continue. They like to force this on us but these people don't want to put their money where their mouths are. That is why all these vegan meals go on discount, vegan only shops go bankrupt yet the investors stupidly fund these lunatics because they believe the hype. We should just pay extra to fund people we support and let the others sink until the management is replaced with god fearing normal people.

  4. Something's not right. For example, why did this issue get 24 hour coverage at the same time the Biden Crime Family was being exposed? Why every single MSM outfit with the same spin?


Playing poker weith the boys tonight, so...

Hey - a boy can dream, can't he?