Wednesday, May 24, 2023

They did it for baseball, now do it for football and golf... - Pitchers are no longer able to take their sweet time before throwing the ball across the plate. One major new rule for the 2023 MLB season is pitchers now have a time limit and must throw a pitch before the clock runs out of time. More than 3 in 5 (62%) MLB fans like the pitch clock rule change. The top reason why fans approve is because it moves the game along and makes it faster.
A faster game is attracting more fans to stadiums: 45% plan to attend more games this year because of the pitch clock rule changes. Among those who have already gone to a game in 2023, 83% said the game went faster, thanks to the rule changes. Based on these results, it’s no surprise 70% of fans prefer speedier MLB games.

I really like the new pace of the game. The beer sellers and the TV guys think it sucks. Tough titties. Juss' sayin'...

1 comment:

  1. Always the pitcher to blame huh? How about falling asleep waiting for Nomar Garciapara to get himself ready to step in box? and there were a ton more of those guys. I for one like the pitch clock


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