Thursday, May 4, 2023

The Senate yesterday voted against Biden. I know - crazy, right?

The Democrat-led Senate voted 56 to 41 on Wednesday to rescind the Biden administration’s two-year pause on tariffs for imports of solar equipment from four Southeast Asian countries — a rare bipartisan rebuke of the president’s energy and trade policies.
The vote sends the resolution to President Joe Biden’s desk, where it faces a certain veto. But its passage underscores the tricky politics that vulnerable Democratic lawmakers must navigate between reaching U.S. clean energy targets and taking a hard line on Chinese influence. A Republican Senate sponsor of the resolution also accused lawmakers who side with the administration of supporting forced labor in China.
The reason for doing this is simple - if you do a deep dive into the panel business. There are already sanctions and tarriffs in place for china-made panels, so China trans-ships them to shell outfits in other Asian countries so it looks like they were made there. Ya follow?
It still begs the question of why Biden wants to favor China in any way. What do they have on him that we don't know about?

World's 1st 3D printed bridge in Amsterdam. The 40' long bridge was installed back in 2021. The design features a complex web of steel rods, made possible using 3D printing technology



Tina Louise didn't get pancakes with maple syrup on the Island...

When I was a little kid, these were just about my 
favorite comics. My older brother TJ would buy 'em and then I got a chance to read 'em. This cover's from 1959. The graphics in these - and the Haunted Tank comics - were very impressive.

New York has become the first state in the US - even before the land of fruits and nuts on the west coast - to ban natural gas and other fossil fuels in most new buildings. The ban, included in budget legislation, passed on Tuesday in the Democrat-controlled legislature.
The reason given for this kind of stupidity? Officials hope it will encourage the use of more climate-friendly appliances, like induction stoves.
'Officials are fuckin' idiots. Think about this - how many of the state legislators up there - after voting for this clusterfuck - went home and made dinner on their wood stoves? Fuckin' jackasses.



I just talked about this pending problem yesterday. I sure as fuck wouldn't be holding ANY bank stock these days. 
Shares in Beverly Hills-based PacWest bank plummeted by 50 percent in after-hours trading on Wednesday after it emerged the bank had sought help for either a sale or injection of fresh capital - and a closely-watched financier warned of dominoes falling. PacWest bank is seen as vulnerable because it has much in common with Silicon Valley Bank, which went under on March 10 - the first to fall. Both PacWest and SVB are Californian based and have strong ties to the embattled tech community, and they both have large amounts of uninsured deposits - those exceeding the $250,000 federally protected limit. PacWest is also extremely exposed to fluctuations in commercial real estate. Analysis by Barrons found that commercial real estate loans amounted to more than 375 percent of PacWest's capital, at the end of December - significantly above the 300 percent maximum set in federal guidelines. Furthermore, the most volatile real estate loans, for land and construction, represented almost 140 percent of the bank's capital. 

Mother's Day will be here soon.
 Are you going to wait until the last 
minute to get her something nice?
 You can do that. Wait 'til the very last minute and get her
some cheap-ass chinese made bulshit at the gas station.
 I'm sure she'll be overjoyed at your thoughtfullness.

OR - you could get her something like this... 

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet.
There is only one available and people have it in their carts.
 You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 



New Jersey lawmakers asked for an up to 60 day halt on construction of sprawling wind farms being built off the coast during a hearing on Wednesday. About 32 whales have turned up dead along east coast beaches since December. 
Federal researchers have insisted the deaths are not caused by wind turbines, but skeptics have said an intentional blind eye has been turned in favor of expanding the new energy infrastructure.
Doesn't it seem to you at times that almost nobody knows what the fuck they're doing these days - or is it just me...




Like I've said many times before. This is one of my favorite places on earth. 
I will not, however, ever explain why to you guys. Sorry.

Maybe not we, but certainly they...



  1. Don't laugh. The attack on the Kremlin is a serious escalation of the war, and the likelihood the US was involved is high. Medvedev has publicly called for the killing of Zelensky and other high ranking Ukrainians, and the linkage to the US leadership is a direct warning that Biden, Blinken, Austin and other American leaders could also be targets.

  2. dead whales. I hope somebody's going to render the blubber; we can use the oil in our lamps to replace the energy we're not gonna get from the wind farms. anyway, whales aren't fossils - yet.

  3. The A's think people will go to a ball game in 100 degree temps?

  4. So Teddy the Swimmer was just trying to save the whales when he put the kibosh on that Hyannisport wind farm?

  5. On Biden and China: I read somewhere that the reason "Joe douche-bag" left all the equipment in Afghanistan. Was because China told him to or they would release all the incrementing evidence they have on him and his son. So he still favors them because they are obviously black-mailing him. Back in the day I also bought and read all the comics about WWII. Sgt. Rock was a favorite. He might have been in GI Combat, but I can't remember. There was another one I liked which was about M3 "Jeb Stuart" light tanks.

  6. Summer temps in Oakland average 72 degrees and Las Vegas is 102-107. Can't see the number of fans increasing over what they currently have.

  7. "Like I've said many times before. This is one of my favorite places on earth.
    I will not, however, ever explain why to you guys. Sorry." I too, have one of those places, and we almost got caught.


The sad reality of what our elections and politics in general have become? I think this kinda nails it..

Sean Hannity had a guest caller on yesterday afternoon who was a beacon of truth  and he had an insight that I haven't heard. The caller...