Thursday, May 4, 2023

But they know all about trannies and drag queens...

Knowledge of civics among the nation’s eighth-graders fell for the first time since the federal government began testing children under the current framework in 1998, according to new results that come amid a broader concern about pandemic-era learning loss.
The National Assessment of Educational Progress tests, known as the Nation’s Report Card, also show a 5-point decline in average scores in history.
Results from exams administered in the spring of 2022 offer a window into the state of academic performance in social studies following pandemic disruptions to learning, a bleak look regarding the level of understanding of the nation’s history, government and democratic processes. 

The tests are administered every four years by the Education Department’s National Center for Education Statistics.


  1. What is the point in learning any of it when the federal government shows 100% contempt for all of it?

  2. All part of their plan

  3. Sorry, do not recall source. However, an article was recently published regarding a long time Education racket union official who attended a national convention put on by a prominent Teacher's union every couple years. Last conference there was not one agenda item related to helping students, improving scores, or better pay and benefits for teachers. No. The entire agenda was something like the Lincoln Project, BLM, Radical Environmentalism, DEI, advancing the gay and pervert agendas, nonsense like that. No wonder our kids are falling behind. The government has failed us miserably. Time to get the government and unions out of education.

  4. Judge Judy? I used to watch her. Then she decided to back Bloomberg for President. Woman is certifiable.You just know she backed Biden when Bloomberg dropped out.

  5. Not a surprise, it's the deliberate goal of the Bolshevik Teachers Union


Back in the day...

In Bloomfield Center (New Jersey), The Last Straw was a combination head shop, ticketmaster, record store, shoe store, clothing store,. post...