Thursday, May 11, 2023

Nothing is free. There's a price to be paid for everything. It's just a question of who pays what...

Tuition at Minnesota's public colleges would be free to residents whose families earn less than $80,000 annually, starting in the 2024-2025 academic year, under an 'agreement reached by legislative negotiators'. It is not said who was negotiating with whom, so what does that mean? It means a buncha guys sat around a table and decided to spend a shitload of everybody else's money but their own.
If the passes, qualifying Minnesotans would no longer have to take on debt to get a public college degree, the Star Tribune of Minneapolis reported.
The "North Star Promise" free tuition program would cost about $117 million in the fiscal year that begins July 1, including startup costs. After that, it would cost about $49.5 million annually. The program is, of course, targeted primarily at 'minorities'.

Between the two of them I can't tell ya which one's the bigger dooshbag.


If you've been to any kind of event in the last year, you may have gotten one of these Slap bracelet things when you got there. They're made from rejected tape measures. I thought you needed to knOw that somehow...

A proposal to pay Black people in California up to $1.2 million in restitution for slavery ran into political headwinds Wednesday as Gov. Gavin Newsom and a lawmaker who was on the state panel raised doubts about the prospect of cash payments.
State Sen. Steven Bradford said he wouldn’t count on the Legislature - though dominated by Democrats - to vote in favor of payments. 
When pressed for the reason why he thought it wouldn't pass, he replied 'Because even they aren't that fuckin' stupid'. Or at least that's what I think I woulda said if they asked me the same question.


Tlaib’s event was held in the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Hearing Room in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, a panel chaired by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). During the event, Tlaib confirmed that Sanders allowed her to use his committee’s room.
One question here - how is she representing her constituency by doing shit like this?


DeSantis signed a bill yesterday that provides more funding for shipping illegals out of Florida and in to Dem-controlled so-called 'sanctuary States'. The guy's a rock star.


I gotta be honest with ya about this dame. I don't see it - I just don't. How is she some kinda 'super model'? She's got a big nose and looks more like a guy than a girl. I just don't see the attraction.


Click on the banner to see what's in her shop today.


And you wonder why I moved out of New Jersey when 
I did? These guys are building this thing 


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Good Morning...