Thursday, May 11, 2023

50 years gone in a flash...

50 years ago today: May 11, 1973. Me, Nancy Martinez and Frank Marchesano doing a farewell toast at Art Quimby's house in East Orange, NJ. 
We were headed for Oklahoma in Frank's SIMCA (a French POS car which of course did not make it to OKC) and then beyond (for Nancy & I) to Cali and places unknown. 
The roadtrip - mostly hitchhiking - lasted almost 15 months. What great adventures the two of us had! She was truly beautiful. And batshit crazy...


  1. 50 yrs ago I was 13. Did my share of thumbing around in my late teens. Didnt have a care in the world. Life was one big fucking party.

  2. Such a story in that photo, and so bittersweet. Blessings to all y'all.

  3. 50 years ago I was playing GI Joe in Germany. Or, I was suppose to be. In reality I was clerking (I called myself an "Admin-NCO") for the V Corp Command Chorus attached to the 84th Army Band, Fulda, West Germany. The best job I ever had!

  4. 50 yrs. ago I was 22 and had migrated to the beach in Oxnard CA. I had a bunch of batshit crazies there and over the years as well. Went in to the Navy in '74 to get away from one...


Good Morning...