Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Californidiots will be the catalyst for the destruction of our society as we know it...

The once-prestigious New England Journal of Medicine on April 27 published an article by seven California fruitcake Bay Area 'academics' calling for medical students to be segregated by race.
The authors argue that it will allow black students to express themselves without having 'to care for the egos of White people' and worry about 'White fragility'.
They argue that, for black people and others, studying alongside white fellow students can 'be retraumatizing, resulting in imposter syndrome, heightened anxiety, and a reduced sense of belonging.'
A petition has begun demanding the journal apologize for the 'morally abhorrent' suggestion, which critics argue is against federal law.

Read the rest of this insanity here:


  1. I fully agree; a super idea! Segregate all education by race
    Section 1. Black
    1a. Africa
    1b. USA American for at least 2 generations
    1c. Canadian for at least 2 generations
    1d. Mexican for at least 2 generations
    1e. Caribbean (except for Haiti) for at least 2 generations
    1f. Haitian for at least 2 generations
    1g. South American (except for Brazil) for at least 2 generations
    1h. Brazilian for at least 2 generations
    Section 2. Asian
    2a. Indian
    2b. Pakistani

  2. So all those colleges justifying racial quotas and discrimination by claiming they needed "diversity" in their classrooms were wrong and actually victimizing blacks?

    OK, I always knew they were victimizing blacks - but I thought it was only because they were accepting them into colleges that were too tough for them. For instance, blacks who might have done OK in a state college or one of the traditionally black colleges could get accepted to Harvard, use government grants and loans to pay the sky-high tuition, and flunk out owing a small fortune. But I never thought that a black who was truly Harvard-capable might still have learned more from a small 99% black college than from Harvard...

    Or probably not. At the least, someone who is going to freak out about white boys in the class with him isn't Harvard-capable, and really should be spending his money on therapy rather than on tuition anywhere. But I expect this study will be cited before the Supreme Court soon.

  3. Because its far easier to grade-promote ignorant POCs when there are no white students showing them up every day in class who know better than to believe the "A" they were given. The more they allow unqualified POCs into every facet of life, the more they need the segregation as cover for the crimes they have committed against these kids and our collective future.

  4. I wonder what color the authors of this study are, so I went googling for pictures. All but one of these were somewhere in the UCSF School of Medicine Website:

    Leanna Lewis, M.S.W: Black
    Camila Cribb Fabersunne, M.D., M.P.H: White
    Corina L. Iacopetti: Searching directly in the UCSF website came up blank, her doctor's office listings had no picture, but a long trip through google finally found one picture - at the UCSF website. And I'm still not sure. Maybe Italian and Asian.
    Gabby Negussie-Retta, M.S: Black
    Dannielle McBride: Black
    Paul Irving: White - if I found the right one. That name is so common that there is probably more than one "Dr. Paul Irving" in San Francisco, and I don't see a link between the one pictured and UCSF. (It really doesn't help that Google will give you every doctor named Paul in Irving, TX with this search)
    Jyothi Marbin: East Indian or light Black.

    So it's a multi-racial group and you could GTR for most of them just from the names. Dannielle McBride's the only one that surprised me.

  5. I assume these 'doctors' will specialise in treating GSW, drug overdoses, abortions and cosmetic surgery to better meet the needs of their community.


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