Tuesday, April 25, 2023

With teammates like this, who needs to win or lose?





With teammates like this, who needs to win or lose?


A San Francisco Target store has been putting all of its products on lockdown amid a shoplifting crisis that has crippled retailers in the Golden Gate City. Footage of the store’s interior posted to Twitter and other sources the other day showed aisle after aisle of toiletries and cosmetics under lock and key in the megachain.
While it’s common for stores to lock up small valuable items like razors, heaps of inexpensive large items like mouthwash, shampoo and lotion were also being kept out of reach of the grubby hands of would-be shoplifters, the clip showed.
The cosmetic confinement had been underway since at least October last year at the Folsom Street store near the city’s Mission District. The Bay Area has been especially hard hit by a national organized retail crime epidemic that ballooned during the COVID-19 pandemic, leading chains such as Walgreens to close five San Francisco stores due to theft.
How do people live like this without accepting the blame for the fucked-up choices they have made?


 Okay I wanna see the Vegas line on which comes first: 
His second term or his first indictment. Wuddya figure? 
Even money on the indictment I figure.


With teammates like this, 
who needs to win or lose?

I posted this on Twitter this morning. It's a link to a story about these two families out in California who get into a water fight (and much more) in the drive-thru lane at an In-and-Out Burger out there. It's pretty fucking hilarious. If you just want to see the video, click on the picture above. If you want to read about it, the full story can be found here:

Mother's Day will be here in three weeks.
Remind her how much you love her... 

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Wuddya think - is anybody there not having a good time?

The first questions journalists tried to answer was why Fox cut Carlson and his top producer loose, and why now? And what to make of Fox’s future? The broadcasting giant faces uncertainties about whether it can keep its prime-time audience sans the network’s best known ratings magnet...



Biden's announcement that he is seeking re-election is a wake-up call to conservatives. An incredible 70% of Americans say Biden should not run again. If we can't defeat him in 2024, what does that say about us? Take a hard look in the mirror. If you haven't noticed, the conservative movement is in crisis. We're on a losing streak. Republicans could have won the 2020 election, and we certainly should have performed far better in the 2022 midterms. But we didn't. The urgent question that must be answered is: why? I believe that conservatives have lost confidence in their own ideas. We've been led to believe that principles don't matter, but performances do; that celebrity is more important than substance; that punching back is more important than articulating a compelling vision for America. And look where that has gotten us.


I fell asleep listening to her every night.




Click on this banner to see all that she has to offer for Mother's Day 
coming up in less than three weeks...


  1. How do people live like this without accepting the blame for the fucked-up choices they have made?
    Top quick answers, and this small list doesn't mean I endorse the out of control crime. I think we should repeal the 8th amendment on "cruel and unusual punishments inflicted".
    1. No accountability
    2. It's not my fault, people will game the rules.
    3. It's racism.
    4. Actions have consequences (except in the Bay Area).
    5. Failed to learn that punishing criminals lead to less criminal action and letting criminals pled down or not charging them leads to more criminals committing crimes.

  2. Elections are now a thing of the past. Mental masturbation. Rush said it the year before he died I thought he had lost it. He hadn’t.

  3. Ahh , the Nightbird ! That brings back memories !
