Thursday, April 27, 2023

Want a good job with the Fed with good pay - and you get a gun, too!

 The IRS is actively seeking to hire armed agents 
to work in all 50 states... 

AND - you get to terrorize people to boot!
The Key Requirements for the positions are:
  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Be 21 years of age by the time that you complete the training academy and no older than 37 years of age at time of appointment.
  • Qualify based on education, specialized experience, or a combination of the two.
  • Possess a valid driver’s license.
  • Pass a background and criminal history record check.
  • Pass a pre-employment medical exam.
  • Pass a pre-employment drug test.
  • Pass a pre-employment tax examination.
  • Be legally allowed to carry a firearm.

Read the posting on their website here:

So Mother's Day is coming, right?
 You gonna get her something nice -
 from the gas station at the last minute?
You can do that. Wait 'til the very last minute and get her
some cheap-ass chinese made bulshit at the gas station, OR - you can 
get her something nice. Something hand-made with care by my wife. 
For basically just a couple bucks more. Wuddya think? 

Mother's Day will be here in less than three weeks.
Need a gift idea for her? How about this... 

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.
 You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


  1. Isn't the 37 year old requirement age discrimination?

  2. Did you expect the government to follow the laws?


I'm not here, but the priest is...