Friday, April 21, 2023

The fat lady ain't sung yet, Alec. It ain't over 'till it's over. And other Yogi-isms...

In case you're as confused as most people are about this dickwad 
and the charges against him, the Prosecutor in the case had run out of time on the existing indictment to proceed. 
It's likely, however, that new, more damning charges will be presented to a new grand jury and a new indictment can and probably will be announced. Can't be soon enough for this reporter(?) - this guy is an asshole of global proportions and needs to go away. Literally and figuratively. Juss' sayin'...
There's an article in this morning's Daily Mail that explains this 
a helluva lot better than I can. Take a look:


  1. I think he is a lot worse than just a asshole. he more like a cold hearted bastard who cares nothing for others
    and will use anyone to get his way. he wants power more than money really. he likes telling people what to do.

  2. I'm not a big fan of Alec Baldwin - and there are certainly well documented episodes when he has shown himself to be a world-class a-hole, but, I can't honestly ( at least with the available evidence ) hold him responsible for this shooting . The people responsible are the idiots who brought a live bullet onto, and a real firearm, with a firing pin in place, onto a film set where it was known that an actor - as clearly indicated in the script - would be pointing that gun in the direction of people on the set .


I'm not here, but Calvin is...