Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Love Trump or hate him, doesn't matter. We need someone who is electable...

NY Post and other sources - Impossible as it may be to believe (unless you remember how many people HATE DJT out there), Biden would handily defeat former President Donald Trump in the 2024 Electoral College - but lose to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, according to a new analysis of national and state polling. Remeber, most polls are bullshit, but this is a state-by-state analysis of polling relative to the electoral college, and not the popular vote. That's the key to this.
According to WPA intelligence, which examined seven national popular vote polls since mid-February, the 76-year-old Trump would lose to Biden by an average of 3.1%, while DeSantis, 44, would win the popular vote over the incumbent by an average of 1.2%
The survey also showed DeSantis leading Biden in five of six likely 2024 battleground states — Arizona (48%-42%), Michigan (45%-43%), Nevada (44%-41%), North Carolina (44%-41%) and Pennsylvania (45%-42%).

In a sixth battleground state, Wisconsin, DeSantis and Biden are in a dead heat with 45% support each. In all six states, the survey found, Trump trails Biden by between one and four percentage points.


  1. In an honest election anybody against Biden would win.

    There hasn't been an honest election this century. We need to go to the right thumb in ink method of voting with the thumbprint on the ballot with all parties verifying the vote. Right now the USA has lower third world status in elections.

  2. You're being had. We're being had.


  3. Polls showing bitem leading anything should tell anyone with two working brain cells that anything else said in connection is BS. DeSantis couldn't win and certainly doesn't stand half the chance that Trump would have to win.
    A DeSantis candidate is a sellout to the deep state.

  4. The media will do worse to Desantis than they did to Trump. It really doesn’t get anything but worse. Easily recognizable pattern.

  5. Biden will "handily defeat" anyone unless this country changes the way it counts votes!


I'm not here, but...