Tuesday, April 25, 2023

I forgot - I am a Florida Man, after all...

This is a first for me - I've never seen hale - especially this big - since I've lived in Florida. Craziness this afternoon...  
And yes, that's a Jersey plate. We only have the one Florida plate on the back so idiots like me can put our old Jersey plates on our vehicles. If I ever do drive back up to Jersey, I'd have to take it off first. Silliness, I know. 
Anybody have any idea what the letters stand for?

Click on this banner or the picture below to see all that she has to offer
for Mother's Day - 
coming up in less than three weeks...


  1. I think you mean hail.

    I came to comment on the license plates. NY wants theirs back, so you'll never have to worry about seeing one of those on the front of my car. My son was supposed to turn them in to the DMV, but he didn't so I got a cute letter from NY telling me my license, which I had already traded in for one from here, was suspended. I know "Let's go, Cuomo" isn't a thing, but every year, when I do my taxes, I think about how good it feels to know NY isn't getting another dime from me.

  2. St John US Virgin Islands

  3. "Fuck joe biden"?

  4. I grew up in tornado alley. That's not "big" hail, but more like large sleet. You have to experience baseball and softball sized hail to really get an appreciation for frozen precipitation. Regarding political polls - as long as one party can submit ballots at will with not accountability, it really doesn't matter who the opponents are.

  5. No matter the size of the hail, put a 50 mph wind behind it. Now you've got something!

  6. Yeah - here near Dallas - I seen cars that were totaled by hail - not just because EVERY panel was severely dented but because every piece of glass was shattered too, allowing the car to flood. We also had a man killed in Fort Worth when a softball sized piece of hail hit him in the head.


Good Morning...