Monday, April 17, 2023

I know you've seen Racquel Welch before, but this may be my new favoite pic of her...

A lot of similarities between her and Sophia in this portrait, don'tcha think? Especially in the eyes and the lips, not to mention other 'assets'...
Southside - you with me on this?


  1. That is a lot of Woman!

  2. served with a old master sgt. back in the early 1980's. back in day, he was in some military hospital and the USO ladies came there. he said she held his hand and asked him some questions. he had no idea what he said in reply
    he was just amazed she was there. he said no one better say anything bad about her in his hearing.
    the old bastard smiled when he told the story. otherwise. he never smiled. but even after all of that time.
    she still melted the old bastards heart just thinking of her.

  3. Sophia has an air about her that makes her a cut above Racquel in my view. That feels like an appalling thing to say given they are both magnificent as far as looks go.
