Wednesday, April 19, 2023

How much do you have to hate someone to do what they keep doing to him?

Two 'nonprofit groups' — including the group that challenged several GOP House members’ eligibility to serve because of their support for the January 6 attack on the Capitol — are looking to use the same provision of the US Constitution to keep Donald Trump off the ballot next year.
Free Speech for People and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington are preparing to ask courts to disqualify the twice-impeached, indicted ex-president from appearing on ballots in multiple states because his actions before and during the riot amount to support for “insurrection” against the United States.

Mr Trump’s "support for the attack", the groups say, would fall under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, which prohibits any “officer of the United States” who has “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the country - after previously taking an oath to support the Constitution - from serving in any federal office.

These liberal scumbags keep trying to pull rabbits out of their asses to get this guy out of the picture. It will never end as long as he remains in play...


  1. "Hate" or FEAR? And do they really hate him....or those who still support freedom, liberty, and who are against the globalist/WEF/Deep State control of our government/nation?

  2. I think it is because he pulled back the curtain and showed the people just how crooked the system is.
    for 4 years, we had lower prices, no war and jobs where coming back. we even where drilling our own oil !
    but the thing the state hated the most was, he showed the people that we did not need so many of them.
    but he did give the people hope and pride again. and that is something our "betters" can not deal with.

  3. It will never end, period. If they get away with this with Trump, they'll be trying it again and again with anyone who opposes them. They don't care anymore about getting caught, because they get away with it. This will not end well.


I'm not here, but...