Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Everything old and fat is new again. Chris Christie for President? Gimme a friggin' break, will yuz?

Former Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ) met with dozens “of his former staffers and advisors” on Monday night, telling them he is continuing to mull a 2024 run. Christie and “more than three dozen of his former staffers and advisors” convened at Mission in Dupont Circle in Washington, DC.
Are we - those of us who are not liberals anyway - so fuckin' stupid to think these reruns have a shot of beating down whoever the libs throw up? I mean Joe Biden beat out the sitting President last election ferfucksake. And guys like Christie, who claims to be a solid conservative but is actually a self-guided sail who'll twist and turn whichever direction the wind blows, is definitely not the guy we need. Pull your chair back up to the buffet table Slim - we 've got fresher eggs to fry...

If I say anything more about this certain subject, some weenie in a cubicle somewhere'll say it's 'hate speech' and kick me off blogster. 
And then there's that...


American combat engineers in Stratford-upon-Avon, England back in May of 1944 eat their dinner on top of stockpiled crates of ammunition shells.
And you think your life is tough.



Do you have any idea how people are gonna react to this? 
The lazy motherfuckers can't even get up and go to Walmart? Granted, people that are infirmed or somehow house-bound and on limited/fixed budgets may get hit, but the rest of us expecting somebody to deliver shit for free? Those days are over, Bubba. The next shoe to fall - and it certainly will - is Amazon. Sooner or later they're gonna have to show a profit. Know what I mean?

I think that's Jennifer Lawrence. She woulda been 
a lot of fun to hang with if I was 22 again. Oh, well...


A split Lady Lake Commission (this is the town that I live in here in Florida) is rethinking hours for last call for alcohol at bars within the town limits.
Police Chief Robert Tempesta had proposed cutting off liquor sales at midnight rather than 2 a.m.  However, Mayor James Rietz proposed taking it a step farther, proposing the hours for serving liquor be limited to 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday and 7 a.m. to midnight on Fridays and Saturdays, an even stricter limit than recommended by the police chief. The mayor’s suggestion initially won approval on a 4-1 vote with only Commissioner Paul Hannan voting against it.
However, Commissioner Ruth Kussard on Monday night indicated she was having second thoughts about forcing the cutoff of alcohol sales at 11 p.m. five nights a week. She said she preferred to be in line with the state law which allows alcohol sales in bars up until midnight. 
I don't wanna sound like the old fart I actually am, but fuck it - I ain't 21 anymore and I sure as fuck ain't snortin' blow any more, so this shit don't effect me. Shit - nine nights outta ten I'm asleep by 10 anyway...


Cooper Corder of SPAR Academy (an elitist wrestling school for kids in Aurora, Illinois), wearing an orange singlet, won the match over Maine West High School’s Hafid Alicea (in blue) by a 14-2 score between the eighth graders. As Corder went in for a post-match handshake, he was cold-cocked by Alicea, sending him to the mat. They'll be working on Alicea's sportsmanship skills later this week.
Mother's Day will be here soon enough.
Need a gift idea for her? How about this... 

Click on the picture above for information on this specific item.
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 



President Biden did not call her family to give his condolences. 
You figure out why I had to say this.




  1. xo biden did NOT win the election

  2. Dutch-American friendship day?
    This Dutchman has lived here in the US for 41 years now and didn't know about this.

  3. Fuck joe biden now, tomorrow, yesterday, and 35 years ago.....fuck him on the day he was born, and bless us all on the day the motherfucker dies, which can't be soon enough....and the reason he won't call is because of the whiteness of the victim....there, said it....

  4. When I was a second shifter, we would get all cleaned up after work at 11:30pm and head off to the bars. Most of the time the guys there were already shitfaced, and the girls were looking for not-so-drunk guys to have fun with, if you catch my drift. It's gonna suck for them when the bars close a half hour before they get off...

  5. It is also Patriot's Day, in celebration of the battle of Lexington and Concord. A day worth celebrating. Also government POSs incinerate innocents day in commemoration of the mass slaughter at Waco. Ok, the first one is real.


I'm not here, but...