Thursday, March 23, 2023

Why is this okay with so many people? I don't get it...

 For the record, I'm not 100% anti-gay or even 
anti-tranny, but this shit is stupid...

I just don't get it - and obviously a buncha other people don't get it either.
But then again, there's an awful lotta stupid going out there these days...


  1. I think that throughout history, if people like this were allowed to live, they'd be in some sort of asylum.
    Now we promote them and honor them. We live in insane times.

  2. Welcome to the real war on women.

  3. Fuck 'em and the horse they rode in on.....ever notice when a steer gets castrated or a dog gets neutered it doesn't make them female?...only humans think that cutting off your dick, or just waking up one day and declaring it, changes your chromosomal makeup... in the 2000 year distant future, when a skeleton is uncovered, there will be a determination that it is male or female....period...none of the democrats 57 other genders will be considered....I guess it's a stretch to think we'll still be here in 2000 years....

  4. As long as girls/women continue to willingly participate in women's sports with biological males, it's only going to get worse. It's going to take a complete shutdown to stop this since the media and former female competitors won't take up the mantle to protect them.
