Saturday, March 11, 2023

Is there a handbasket big enough to carry Oregon to hell in?

The New York Post is the only media outlet covering this absurdity. Thank god for these guys pointing out this nonsense when they see it.
 New York Post - Oregon is making it easy to find a fungi for a trip. The first round of state-licensed magic mushroom guides walked the graduation stage Friday after passing a six-month intensive course at a Portland retreat. The 35 students were authorized by state-sanctioned company InnerTrek to become “Oregon-licensed Psilocybin Service Facilitators,” meaning they would lead shroom ingesters through a peaceful and potentially eye-opening trip.

“Facilitator training is at the heart of the nation’s first statewide psilocybin therapy and wellness program and is core to the success of the Oregon model we’re pioneering here,” said program director Tom Eckert, who also spearheaded the ballot measure that legalized Oregon’s magic mushroom program. Oregon voters approved the 2020 measure that made psilocybin - naturally occurring psychedelic prodrug compound produced by fungi - legal at the start of 2023.
I wonder - if they can't get jobs doing this shit, 
will they ask for their tuition bills to be 
forgiven? The degree has as much value as my 
sister's english literature degree...


  1. The power of psilocybin to help one identify the root cause of issues and overcome alcoholism, depression, past traumas, etc. has been documented since Leary and Albert were working with them in the 1960s. Indeed, plenty of people just "trip" on them and get little value. But native peoples around the globe have been ingesting powerful psychedelic substances (peyote, ayahuasca, psilocybin, etc.) for thousands of years in religious rites that have profound effects on the user and on their guides. I am not one to support government stealing one penny from anyone to fund, support, sponsor, etc. anything having to do with ANYTHING, let alone drugs. But taking such a closed-minded position on this issue is not a good thing either. Indeed, Oregon has enough problems without lots of people sitting around stoned all day, but absent a welfare state and government freebies for everything, this is just about the right of self ownership. You either have the right to put into your own body what you wish (and be accountable for the consequences of your actions while under the influence), or you are nothing more than the property of another - in this case, the state. Educate yourself on how this drug in particular, is freeing people from PTSD, and life-long dependence on bigPharma's extremely dangerous prescription drugs for these mental issues.

  2. If they were not properly trained and are instead "affirmative action" graduates, what's not to like?
    This could clean up a significant portion of the problems in the world today!

  3. There used to be bumper stickers in Oregon that said , "Don't Californicate Oregon!" Apparently they didn't work.


Any ideas wo this might be?