Sunday, March 26, 2023

Facing modern problems with old ideas...

Sunday morning reflections on religion...

These Iranian women are pictured protesting the fact that they will be forced to wear the Hijab after the overthrow of the Shah. This protest happened just days after the revolution in Iran in 1979. The Hijab rule is still in effect. These people are modern-day prisoners of an ancient religion.
Does doing stupid shit like that get them any closer to their God? I doubt it. If he/she is a just and loving God, that God would detest stupidity.



A FORMER prison has gone on the market for a little less than $200,000 
and it comes fully fitted with 34 working cells. You can now own the Cass County Missouri Law Enforcement Center and Detention Center that housed inmates for 40 years.
The property, which dates back to 1960, is on a half-acre lot at 208 W Pearl Street in Harrisonville, Missouri. If you're interested in the quirky space, Paula Voss of NextHome Vibe Real Estate has it on the market for $195,000.
Though it has more recently been used as storage space and movie filming locations, the jail is still fully equipped with three cell blocks housing 34 cells, each with a toilet and sink.


What are you listening to? The Who Who? Yes You're listening to Yes? No, The Who Oh I like them No, not Them. The band is The Who. The Band?
Third base...


Are the primaries over already? These people make it
sound like it's a two-pony race.
Those close to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis worry he may face a stiffer challenge from former ally Donald Trump as it looks like he won't give up his mantle as GOP presidential nominee without a fight. Recent polls have shown Trump holding on to a commanding lead, with a Morning Consult survey showing the former president leading DeSantis by a whopping 28 points, 54-26.


Ever been to one during the daytime? Yeah, me neither.

Something just occurred to me. I know, maybe I am a little slow to the game sometimes but fuck me - I got a lot of other shit on my plate these days. 
Anyway, I was thinking that the same argument that is used to support a woman's right to have an abortion - that she shouldn't be told what she can and cannot do with her body - can and should be used to fight for the legalizeation of prostitution, shouldn't it? 
I don't have a dog in either race, and I'm not gonna try to be an advocate for or against either, it's just a thought.

When Churchill visited the States during Prohibition...


Is the woman you love a cat lover?
She'd probably love to have these.

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

The Great Pyramid of Giza's summit.
 Never thought about that, didja?

Sunday is the first day of the week for roughly half the world 
and Monday is the first day of the week for the other half.


I can't, in my wildest dreams, imagine how good a day 
THAT one Sunday 54 years ago was...

DailyMail.comA self-proclaimed Canadian 'crypto king' was allegedly kidnapped and tortured after he'd scammed investors out of millions of dollars using the currency to live a glamorous lifestyle. Aiden Pleterski, 23, is currently going through bankruptcy proceedings as authorities in Canada desperately try to recover the $29million he scammed out of investors as just $1.6million has been returned, with a trusty report saying Pleterski spent most of it on a private jet, flashy cars and luxury vacations. The latest revelations, made by Pleterski's father, are that Pleterski was kidnapped in the middle of the night in December.



  1. Freedom of choice? It would be nice but the power to force others to live the way you think they should live seems to be the more popular choice.

    The top of the pyramid picture? I wonder how big those stones really are...

    Sunday is the last day of the weekend in my book but our calendars don't seem to agree with that!

    1. Raised in England. We were taught that the week started on Sunday. And it's the same for European countries. Don't know where this information came from: it seems to confuse the start of the working week with the start of the week.

  2. Re: Legalized prostitution: Strange she can give it away but can't sell it.

    Kidnapping a scammer in the middle of the night, followed by torture? Capital idea!

  3. He scammed the wrong person - someone who assumed he didn't have to watch out for scams, because of what "everyone" knew he'd do to a scammer. But that's the problem with being a gangster and needing to keep your name out of the news - everyone _doesn't_ know.

    Sign-in with Google isn't working.


Okay Auntie - last time. If I don't getcha this time I surrender...

If you  get this, I'll know for sure you're using photo-manipulating  software. Juss' sayin... ...     Here's a great idea f...