Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Waking up to nothing but stupidity...

 It's hard some times to face the day when you know all you'll see around you is moronic behaviour...   

So sometimes it's just better to start with a laugh.


Joe Biden told the crowd at a Black History Month event that he “may be 
a white boy” but isn’t “stupid.” His remark was met with a chorus of laughter and some claps at the White House reception on Monday, 27 February. “I know where the power is,” he added, continuing to say he’s known about the Divine Nine for a “long time.” 
The Divine Nine refers to the nine historically Black fraternities and sororities at American universities. Kamala Harris pledged to one of them, Alpha Kappa Alpha, at Howard University.


During negotiations the EU and UK agreed a Northern Ireland Protocol that there would be no new checks on goods crossing the border between NI and the Republic of Ireland (ROI). 

The protocol aims to avoid a hard border between NI and the ROI, make sure of the integrity of the EU’s single market for goods and facilitate unfettered access for NI goods to the GB market, and the inclusion of NI goods in free trade agreements between the UK and third countries. 
In other words, leave it the fook where it is now. Jeez...

I don't remember where it's place is on the list of shit I don't miss living up there, but snow is certainly in the top five, if not the top two. Juss' sayin'.

G strings for trannies? Certainly does look like there's a package in there.

When I first moved here to No. Central Florida, I was shocked to find out how many Bald Eagles there are around here. Granted, there are two Eagle sanctuaries just in The Villages itself, but they are indigenous to this area. Magnificent birds.


If ya think about it for a coupla seconds, you'd realize she has absolutely nothing else to run on after the last four years she's been there. If she isn't re-elected, they'll vote in another jackass who'll do nothing to solve the city's problems. Kinda sad, really. That City's been fucked up for 150 years.

Yvonne Decarlo long before she was Lilly Munster.

St. Patrick's Day is 2 weeks away.
Need to find a nice little gift for 
that special Irish gal in your life?

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet
It's only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Now y'all know I'm no fan of this blowhard dickbag, but this is just sickening. What kinda ragin' fuckin' pussy do you have to be to file a lawsuit like this? 'Blast injuries'? Blow me with that stupid shit. Like I said - Shakespeare was right all along. Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out...


What kind of hatefull scumbags are these people that they'd go after a project like this just to try and lay the blame on DJT somehow? Ya really gotta wonder how these motherfuckers sleep at night. Imagine if you can their disappointment when they couldn't find anything. It's actually kinda tragic that people rely on people like this to get their 'news' from.


A city councillor in the town of Overtornea, Sweden, has proposed a regulation that would give workers an hour-long break during the day in order to have sex. Per-Erik Muskos made the motion Monday, and says that the exercise is good for the workers, sex is good for the relationship, and the break would benefit peoples' overall well-being.

Muskos admitted there was no way to check whether workers would actually use the hour for its intended purpose. "You can't guarantee that a worker doesn't go out for a walk instead," he said, adding that employers needed to trust their employees. Muskos said he saw no reason why the motion wouldn't pass. On top of the health benefits, he said the sex breaks would also solve the area's low birth rate.





  1. re: the train derailment, notice there is no mention of the recently mandated union contract that overlooked employee safety concerns.

  2. Your little comic is right. Marriage is the art of compromise. You compromise and do what she wants.

    Living here in NJ, your weather map is quite accurate. We live 14 miles north of Flemington, and we got about 1 1/4" of it. Of course, being NJ, it later turned to rain, got all crusty, and is melting away as the temps are above freezing. It wasn't even enough to plow, and this is the first snow we've had here since mid November, and that was another Gone in 48 Hours event too. So it's been a pretty easy winter so far, rainy and mild.



The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...