Monday, February 6, 2023

There are times when the cat will let you sleep as late as you can. Not today...

 When you wake up and go to swing out of bed and this is the first thing you see... 

And my wife swears this cat is 'cute looking'.


At the end of last year, the state of New York banned pet stores 
from selling cats, dogs, or rabbits. The state wants to encourage pet stores to work with shelters, rather than puppy mills, to get animals adopted.
Great idea, right? Now private breeding farms are popping up all over, with no way for the State to have any oversight. Great idea, morons. Next they'll probably try to ban 'pet ownership' all together, likening it to some kinda slavery thing. Next thing you know, DLM (Dogs Lives Matter) will be suing dog owners for reperations. 
It really does boggle the mind the stupid shit these Debbie-Do-Gooders come up with that always ends up backfiring on them - and us. Read this article if you've already had your breakfast:



What is not to like about the NY Post? They don't give a shit who they make fun of. When I saw this blurb I hadda jump on it just because Barb and I had this whole long conversation last night about these famous people who fuck up their faces and features with surgery just because they can't deal with the concept of growing older. It's pretty fucked up. Madonna's been bat-shit crazy and scary-looking for a long time, but I think she's finally gone over the cliff. Have you seen Meg Ryan lately? Holy fuck is she scary looking in a whole different direction. Jeez...



That endorsement should most certainly put Joe over the top against almost anybody. Fact is, only people like Pete would want to keep Joe in office so they can can hang on to their cushy, do-nothing Government jobs. 
Among Americans overall, the poll by the Washington Post and ABC News, released two days before Biden’s State of the Union address, showed that 62% would be “dissatisfied” or “angry” if Biden were re-elected in two years’ time, while 56% said the same about Trump returning to the role he lost in 2020.
A little more than a third of all respondents (36%) said they would be “enthusiastic” or “satisfied but not enthusiastic” if Biden were re-elected. For Trump, that total was 43%.
Buttigieg appeared on CNN’s State of the Union on Sunday. Asked if he thought arguments for generational change, such as those he advanced in his own presidential run two years ago, he said: “Generational arguments can be powerful but the most powerful argument of all is results.
What fuckin' results, Pete? That's about as much gobbledygook as any one person could ever need to spew. Jeez.

When a leftie (damn near commie-run) mag/news outlet like Mother Jones says Biden should take a hike, ya gotta wonder if the world isn't just a little upside down fer ole' Joe. Chech this i=out:


Valentine's Day isn't far off but you
 still have plenty of time. 
Do you think your wife or
daughter would like this bracelet?
Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet. 
It's only $ 18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 



When pleasing the eye is as important as function...

My only hope for rescue from this humdrum existence...



  1. Petey-Boy backs Biden because he thinks he's gonna get the Veep slot.

  2. His name is buttplug.
