Saturday, February 25, 2023

There are often people who do frivilous, stupid, silly things we just can not understand.

Take this guy for example. He must be powered by an awfully potent trust fund to accomplish his dream of getting in to the Guiless Book of stupid People. Read the story here, and I guarantee you - if you feel like a totally worthless fuck-up, you will feel much better about yourself after reading about this yoyo:


  1. If you have an unlimited annual pass and live close by hitting Disneyland every day just requires commitment, not a huge cash outlay. I used to live south of the complex and my company's owner was a Disney fantic and gave all of us annual passes. Before kids, my wife and I would frequently go for an few hours in the evening instead of watching TV. The tricks are to park in the 3 hour free parking area for Downtown Disney and NOT buy any food in the park.

  2. He should never leave. People like him are not good for society.

