Thursday, February 23, 2023

How did Sam Brinton ever get past the first job interview?

If anyone ever used the words 'non-binary' to describe anything but a notebook to me, I'd probably have to smack the fuck out of them, but that's a story for another day. This guy is a fucking fruit Loop looking for a bowl to steal.
Fashion designer Asya Khamsin, who is based in Houston, has accused President Biden's fired non-binary nuclear waste guru Sam Brinton of wearing her custom-made outfits that vanished with her luggage from the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport on March 9, 2018. 
Asya Khamsin tweeted the claim Monday sharing side-by-side photos of herself wearing one of her outfits next to a photo that surfaced of Brinton in what she believes is the same one (pictured along the top row is Brinton in 2019; bottom row are the designs before they went missing). Her clothes were never found and the case was never solved. 

But then her one-of-a-kind designs suddenly appeared on Brinton in recent news reports, amid accusations of stealing luggage at other airports, so she filed a complaint with the Houston Police Department in December. Brinton was shit-canned from their Department of Energy (DOE) position after the multiple allegations last year.
The full story can be found here:

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  1. It's a freakin' freakshow over at Joe's White House that for sure. I loved the BS air sirens going off as Biden and Zelinskky were see strolling along outside as if they didn't have a care in the world. If indeed there was an attack Joe woulda shit hisself at least twice over

  2. Trans male = feaux male
    Trans female = feaux female
    Trans = gender appropriation
    We should be using the proper words

  3. I really miss the old days when we used to lock up clowns like this in rubber rooms.
    and I think we sure didn't let them bred either.

  4. ...looking for a bowl to steal, now that's funny

  5. Democrats aren't what they used to be. They didn't always tolerate thieves, incompetents, and loonies. Now, if all that can be wrapped up in one person, they'll love "it" until the publicity gets too bad.


Okay - ya got me yesterday. Let's try again with her...

...    Here's a great idea for a gift  that's  both  truly unique and very affordable...     Click on the picture for more informati...