Sunday, February 26, 2023

Every morning I search long and hard for a good lead item for the post...

 And then I come to realize that seeing her early on in the day is probably a pretty damn good way to start your day...  




What part of when I said 'Thanks, but no thanks' 
were you confused by?

This is pretty much the scene all up and down the west coast this week. I can't tell you how much I have hated snow almost my entire life. I imagine our buddy Woodsterman ( hasta be used to it 'cause it looks like it snows 8 months a year up there in No. California where he is...

Nearly 50 years later (Oh, god - even thinking that makes me feel ancient) I was lucky enough to have been at this show at the Academy of Music in NYC. It didn't start until nearly midnight and we were so fuckin' high by then it almost didn't matter, but to this day this remains one of the absolute highlights (pun intended) of my concert-going career. 
I still listen to this album on a regular basis - I have the CD in my truck also. It's just great music. Click on the album cover to listen to it for yourself on YouTube...

On Friday people in the city marvelled at the unfamiliar sight of a snow flurry around the Hollywood sign on Mount Lee. But elsewhere in Los Angeles, flooding trapped cars in North Hollywood, and officials warned of widespread flooding in neighbourhoods throughout the surrounding county. 



It just doesn't pay - and may seriously hurt you in the wallet - to speak your mind in this country. Dilbert - a hugely popular cartoon has been scrapped from hundreds of papers after Scott Adams calls Black people a ‘hate group’ on his YouTube show. 
Adams called Black Americans a “hate group” and suggested white Americans “get the hell away from Black people” in response to a conservative organization’s poll purporting to show that many African Americans do not agree with the statement: “It’s OK to be white.”
The Anti-Defamation League says the phrase was popularised in 2017 as a trolling campaign by members of the discussion forum 4chan and was then used by some white supremacists. “If nearly half of all Blacks are not OK with white people ... that’s a hate group,” said Adams, who is white, on his YouTube channel on Wednesday. “And I don’t want to have anything to do with them.”
For the record, I don't agree or disagree with the guy. If he wants say stupid shit like that out loud, it's his problem. Juss' sayin'...


The interior of a Gypsy-owned wagon from the 1800's

Need to find a nice little gift
for someone special in your life?

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet
It's only $40.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Well that'll piss off a coupla guys from Jersey, now won't it?



This kid's got a lot of balls. Good for her...

Little more than a week before the big state tournament in Nebraska, three members of the Morrill High School cheer squad quit-but that didn’t stop the last remaining member, Katrina Kohel, from competing. “I want to go to state, and I will cheer by myself,” the senior told her coach, according to Omaha World-Herald. It was the first time anyone had competed solo, and spectators from other teams even applauded for Kohel. She finished eighth out of 12 teams in her division- which was better than her school had done competing at full strength in the previous two years.






  1. South Carolina "Yankee tax" ... pretty much prima facie un-Constitutional. People are allowed to travel and move to wherever they want to in the USA. You aren't a country unto yourself, SC. Didn't you learn that lesson the last time?

  2. He's right....Blacks are a hate group, especially if you live in a democrat controlled city....

  3. I live in SC and moved from Georgia to be closer to my oldest and his family as my youngest still lives in Georgia. My neighbors are mostly from the northern states. I can see the reason for it but the Constitution will not allow it.


Sometimes I think I'm stupid, but most of time I'm positive about it...

I hate to admit that I actually had to ask my wife what the gag or message was in this cartoon. I kept looking at the guy looking out the do...