Friday, February 24, 2023

Bye Bye Big Apple - they won't miss you...

1,453 taxpayers (we like to call them 'The Bull Runners') earning more than $25M fled the state in 2021 - 520 fewer than departed during the height of the pandemic, new figures show. New data shows in 2021 wealthy New Yorkers continued to move out of state
Eight percent of those making more than 25 million left in 2021. The top one percent in New York account for half the state's income tax revenue.

The full story can be found here:


  1. Cause and effect, a concept incomprehensible to democrats.

    1. There's none so blind as those who will not see...

  2. My next door neighbor is a 90+ year old Asian. When covid hit his daughter and her family moved from NY city in with him. She is a stay at home mom to two boys. The husband is a pilot for Delta based out of LaGuardia. He deadheads out of Atlanta and has a 2 day gone, home, 3day gone, 2 day home, 3 day gone, home 1 day, 3 day gone 2 day home schedule. I don't know what pilots make but the wife drives an Audi Q7 and he drives an Audi R8. The wife has talked to my wife and they are here to stay. Not counting housing, NYC was twice as expensive to live in and GA taxes are a quarter of what NY taxes were.

    1. Should've moved to state income tax....


The absolute magic in the second bridge - the second guitar solo for you people in El Segundo...

A very good argument can be made that this is the single best live recording  of any one song by any one group of musicians.  This was - goo...