Friday, January 27, 2023

Well, so much for the 'Don and Ron Show' I was hoping for...

 Politics makes strange bedfellows. And strong enemies. These two together would have been my 'dream team'...  

I had hoped that somehow this could work out and these two guys could get along to the point that they'd be running mates in '24, but the rumors are already starting that they're going to go head to head for the job, and we all know that won't end up well at all for all of us. 
I figured Trump/DeSantis ticket for 2024, then Ron would be perfectly positioned to run in '28 and we could genuinely have twelve straight years of unfettered growth and prosperity, at the end of which I'd be well in to my 80's and wouldn't have to worry about these DemDipshits screwing the economic pooch. Remember though, it's politics. Many a burned bridge has been rebuilt for political gian, so we gotta keep our wait-and-see hats on 'till the dust settles.


This is what I'm talking about with these two already starting to butt heads. DeSantis is a really nice guy and Trump is a fuckin' cage fighter, so it'll be interesting to see who - if it's either of them - comes out of top.


I don't care if it's true or not.

This is gonna be fun to watch.

You have to go back in time pretty far 
nowadays to find a time when we weren't 
so easily offended by everything that 
cast a friggin' shadow...

Five fired Memphis police officers were charged on Thursday with second-degree murder over the death of Tyre Nichols - who died three days after being beaten during a January 7 traffic stop. 
Demetrius Haley, Tadarrius Bean, Desmond Mills, Jr., Emmitt Martin III and Justin Smith, who are all black, are now in custody. In addition to second degree murder the five were also charged with aggravated assault, aggravated kidnapping, official misconduct and official oppression.
Because all five of the officers involved are black and the guy who died was also black, it'll be interesting to see if all of the BLM/Al Sharpton jerkoffs come out of the woodwork like they do if a white cop does something stupid. Keep your eyes and ears open. The silence'll probably be deafening...


Is the woman you love a cat lover?

Here's your chance to show her you know all about it.
Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

This is a chunk of Aloe. It's funny - it smells like a two-day-old plate full of roast beef and mashed potatoes and has a really weird kinda jelly-type texture. Aloe has a lot of very good uses, especially if you've ever had a really bad sunburn or a second-degree real burn - it's very soothing. Rasta-dudes wash their hair with it - maybe that's why their hair always looks so god-awful fucked up. Juss' sayin'...

The Biden Administration has come out with a new program and  
new directive to help people during this year's egg crisis.



The evolution of the death penaly in the US

Prior to the 1890's they either stoned ya to death, hung ya, dragged you behind a horse and carriage or shot ya. Nowadays there's all kindsa candy-assed conversation about 'ethical' and 'humane' methods of killing someone. Ethical my ass - you're killing the motherfucker. Jeez. You'd think with the tons and tons of Fentanyl that they've confiscated over the last coupla years and it being all deadly and shit, they could just hand the condemned guy a straw and a big bagfull and let him have a party. Seems like a plan, doesn't it?



This is...


  1. Ted Cruz buried the hatchet with Trump and went out to Campaign for him in 2016. That fight was about as vicious as it gets.

    I expect Desantis and Trump to fight tooth and nail for the nomination.

    I also expect, after the dust settles, that they'll have enough integrity to focus on the nations furture and work together.

  2. Annnd once again, Memphis makes the national news, and for the wrong reasons.

    Going to be an interesting summer here.

  3. If they cared for the issues as much as they care for the glory, we'd see Don and Ron come together to share the ballot. I've been saying the same thing about the potential for a major 12 year correction by those two for several years. It would be the best for both of them....and more importantly, for US.


'We'll always have Paris. And Playboy.' Here's looking at you, kid...

...    Why do I do what I do here on the blog? Being able to present what my wife creates is the best reason  I have  for doing this, and be...