Saturday, January 14, 2023

This anti-cop woke bullshit has got to stop now...

And when the cops aren't allowed to do their job, and they all get so pissed off that they all take retirement or just leave the force, what are these over-sensitive, woke, racist assholes gonna do when bad guys take all their shit? When they make the job so meaningless, so untenable that nobody wants it anymore - at any price - what are they gonna do? They're gonna get all of their shit taken from them and they'll cry like the fuckin' babies they are.
How do you get such a soft underbelly that you would somehow be offended by a flag that supports the efforts of the people who choose to put their own lives on the line to protect yours? You let that BLM bullshit flag fly wherever the fuck they wanted to put it and you let them paint 'Black Lives Matter' in your streets but somehow a flag that supports law enforcement offends you? Drive off a cliff you sorry-assed motherfuckers.
What could possibly be wrong with this?

If you wanna read more about these candyass dooshtools, 
the article is here:

1 comment:

  1. Gonna rant for a sec...sorry.
    Here's a thought...if cops want us to respect their authoritah, stop shooting people's pets. Dogs bark at stangers...that's their job.
    A box of dog treats is cheap...keep a few in your pocket. If you need backup, a rawhide chewey works great.
    Time tested...mother approved.
    End rant.


I'm not here, but...