Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The amount of shit I don't know is limitless. How about you?


What did they think they knew 
back in 1923 about 2023?


The US is locked in a space race with China and the country needs to “watch out” that its rival does not gain a foothold and try to dominate lunar resources, Nasa’s top official has warned.
The assessment came from the Nasa administrator, Bill Nelson, a former astronaut and Florida senator, who went on to warn that China could eventually claim to “own” the moon’s resource-rich areas. The contest between the US and China, he added, was intensifying and the next two years could determine which country achieves an advantage.
“It is a fact: we’re in a space race,” Nelson told Politico. “And it is true that we better watch out that they don’t get to a place on the moon under the guise of scientific research. And it is not beyond the realm of possibility that they say, ‘Keep out, we’re here, this is our territory.’”
Nelson cited Chinese aggression over islands in the South China Sea, where Beijing has established military bases, as evidence of its territorial ambition. “If you doubt that, look at what they did with the Spratly Islands,” he said.


If you're looking for a small, unique gift for a woman, take a look 
at what she has up online by clicking on that box above...


Guy walks in to a bar with a duck on his head. Bartenders says 'Can I help you Sir?' Duck says 'Yeah - gimme a gin and tonic and get this guy off my ass, will ya?'

A massive wave of migrants arrived in the Florida Keys over the weekend, as some 500 people believed to be from Cuba and other parts of the Caribbean came ashore in what local officials described as a major “crisis.” The arrivals forced authorities to close Dry Tortugas National Park, where some 300 migrants arrived over New Year’s and were met by first responders who did their best to provide aid, including food and water. At about the same time, another 160 migrants landed by boat in other parts of the Florida Keys, officials said.

Then on Monday, two new groups of migrants that made up about 30 people were found in the Middle Keys. Officials with Dry Tortugas National Park said the park would be closed to the public for “several days” while efforts are made to assist and process the migrants. The national park, which is 70 miles west of Key West, is only accessible by boat or seaplane. It is made up of seven small islands.
If you've never been out to Dry Tortugas, lemme tell ya - it's well worth the trip, and if you like to snorkel or dive, the waters surrounding it are friggin' spectacular. Take a look:


Ya see, what has happened here is the word has been co-opted to 
mean something completely different from what it usta mean. It usta mean happy or festive or joyful. Now it means something else completely, so when you see shit like this old ad, it appears to be somewhat queer - another word that's been co-opted. Go figure, huh?

The monster that they created appears to have finally come back and bit them in their own asses. I feel bad for the people who're sick and dying, but fuck me - they created this shit and lied about it ever since.


Do you have a special occasion of some kind like 
a birthday, an anniversary or some other 
event worth celebrating coming up? 
Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet.  It's only $  20.00 with free shipping.  
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

Rep. Liz Cheney -who, it may be hard to remember that she's a Republican - will finally get kicked out of her congressional seat on Tuesday after becoming a wealthy woman during her six years of serving Wyoming. Cheney, who lost her Republican primary by nearly 40 points in August, will go home as a defeated 56-year-old never Trumper.
Cheney will not depart Congress empty-handed. During her six years in Congress, she has become very wealthy. Breitbart News reported in August that Cheney’s net worth ballooned from an estimated $7 million when she first took office in 2017 to possibly more than $44 million in 2020. Depending on the specifics of her latest financial disclosure form, Cheney’s net worth could have skyrocketed up to 600 percent in Congress.






  1. Funniest part is the pastor, priest, and the rabbi lowered the bar themselves.

  2. I think the dry tortugas situation solves itself. Just turn off the power and leave. In a couple weeks there won't be any problem, and the seagulls will be very well fed. Meanwhile, refresh things with a few midnight boat trips from Key West.

  3. This is your blog, but since you allow comments, I'll respond to your comment: "If this party has any hope of doing anything meaningful to stem the tide of stupidity coming from the White House, they damn sure better get their shit together and get in line AGAINST the fuckin' Democrates, not against each other" (Copied and Pasted from your comment).
    How? by installing McCarthy as Speaker? Another worthless RINO, of the same cloth as "Turtle" McConnell, who has repeatedly stabbed us in the back? "Unite" to pass the Democrat's spending bill that will bankrupt the US farther, and will do nothing except put money into the pockets of our enemies and political funds? "Unite" to stage another useless"Hearing" or "Investigative Committee" into Jan 6th arrests, Clinton crimes, Hunter's laptop and Biden Crime family, FBI crimes and more, all recently corroborated by release of "Twitter Files" information? More posturing and table thumping to appease the public, while actually doing nothing? "Unite" to do what? Nobody is in jail or will go to jail for any of these crimes.
    Like I said: your blog, but don't try to pass yourself off as a supporter of America with a statement like the one above. This is exactly why I avoid sites like yours.

    1. And yet here you are. Thanks for the feedback we really do enjoy it


I'm not here, but Calvin is...