Saturday, January 21, 2023

She went somewhere stupid and did something stupid, but it's not her fault. Wait, what?

A 26-year-old woman left a Marilyn Manson concert wasted and devastated the residents of a Canadian street after an explosive car crash. Daniella Leis, who pleaded guilty to four counts of impaired driving causing bodily harm in October 2020, caused an estimated $10 to 15 million in damages. She was sentenced to three years in prison in February 2021 and is now suing the venue for kicking her out of the venue despite her level of intoxication, according to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Referred to as the "car bomb" fiasco by the CBC, the incident occurred on Aug. 14, 2019, at 450 Woodman Ave in London, Ontario, Canada — a seven-minute drive from the show at the Budweiser Gardens arena. Leis crashed her Ford Fusion, which had been registered under her father's name, into a single home. But moments later, a broken gas line caused by the crash set off an explosion that ripped apart four homes and injured seven people nearby.

She's also faced legal backlash from at least six civil lawsuits victims urging for her to pay for the damages. This has prompted Leis and her father, Shawn, to file a lawsuit against Ovations Ontario Food Services, who they believe should also share some of the liability.
Leis and her father are accusing Ovations Ontario Food Services of having no regard for her "intended mode of transportation as she existed Budweiser Gardens when they knew or ought to have known that she was or appealed to be intoxicated and/or impaired.

Does any one ever take the blame for anything they do anymore? Sure, everybody'll jump through a fire to claim credit for shit, but something bad happens because they're idiots? Of course it's someone else's fault you went to a Marilyn Manson concert (why the fuck would anyone go to see that jerkoff?) and got trashed and fucked a buncha shit up. Of course you're not to blame. 
Jeez - What a world...


  1. I won't comment on Canadian law, but in 30 US States, a "dram shop" can be held responsible civilly by anyone injured by an intoxicated person if the bartender served the drunk when he knew or should have known the person was intoxicated. There have been a few cases of a bartender being criminally charged for "overserving".

  2. Sher's ready for a job in the white house.


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