Saturday, January 21, 2023

I could do this if I knew how...


If nothing else, the graphics are pretty good.


You may have seen this picture before of the main structure of the Willow Run bomber plant during WWII. The building was one of the largest structures ever built by man - it had 3,500,000 square feet of factory space, and an aircraft assembly line over a mile long.
It's pretty fuckin' impressive the things we can come up with when we need to, isn't it?


Alec Baldwin’s “recklessness”, and the failure of his production team to follow basic gun safety procedures on the set of the movie Rust, led to the decision to file a criminal charge against the US actor in the death of a cinematographer. 
Mary Carmack-Altwies, the Santa Fe district attorney, said Baldwin, and the movie’s armorer, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, violated “all of the standards that we all have to follow if we have a gun in our hands” in the shooting death of Halyna Hutchins with a prop weapon during a rehearsal in New Mexico in 2021.
Carmack-Altwies said the decision to charge the 64-year-old actor, and Rust’s 25-year-old armorer, with involuntary manslaughter, came after a months-long investigation that focused largely on how a loaded gun came to be in Baldwin’s hands, in an interview with NBC News. “It was people acting recklessly, people not doing their jobs, people not following safety protocols, not following safety standards,” she said.
“Because of that, I would say this is not just an accident, this is a criminal accident. Prison is not necessarily the goal. What I want is justice for Halyna Hutchins, and I want people to take responsibility and take accountability for what their actions or inactions led to, and that’s Halyna Hutchins’ death.” Special prosecutor Andrea Reeb, also interviewed by NBC, dismissed Baldwin’s insistence that the gun went off when he pulled back its hammer, and that he had not pulled the trigger, intentionally or otherwise.
We all know that Baldwin is a classless, pompous, self-centered jerkoff, or - at te very least - we should know that.

 Anyway, is it so wrong to want someone (like him, say) to fry like bacon for their mistakes just because you think they're a jerkoff? If we're taking a poll, I say yes. Fuck him - a coupla years in the slam takin'it up the poop chute might humble him a little...

Cardinals from all over the world attended the funeral ceremony of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in St Peter’s Square in Vatican City earlier this month. They all must have the same tailor, don'tcha think? Any group of three or more Cardinals is called a College of Cardinals'. That makes no sense at all. Juss' sayin'...



Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is facing criticism after his administration rejected an Advanced Placement African American Studies course from being taught in Florida schools, the latest curriculum-related action by the governor to draw fierce backlash.
The DeSantis administration made the move earlier this month, when it sent a letter to the College Board Florida Partnership arguing that “the content of this course is inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value.” The letter didn’t name which law the course purportedly violated, and the state’s Department of Education did not clarify the matter.

Here's a question for you: Whenever any story is reported like this, wherein they say that there's 'outrage' about something/anything, have you noticed they rarely if ever report who in fact is 'outraged'? And if they do report on somebody being pissed off about something, it's usually one whack-job 'activist' or self-proclaimed high-brow scholar you've never heard of and never will again? I say joke 'em if they can't take a fuck. Know what I'm sayin'?

Know someone who'd like these?

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


Who the fuck do these DOJ people think they are? With a blink, Congress could get rid of the entire department...

The Justice Department is signaling that it has the right to not cooperate with Hill Republicans’ requests to peek into their ongoing investigations.“Consistent with longstanding policy and practice, any oversight requests must be weighed against the Department’s interests in protecting the integrity of its work,” Carlos Uriarte, DOJ’s legislative affairs chief, wrote in the five-page letter. “Longstanding Department policy prevents us from confirming or denying the existence of pending investigations in response to congressional requests or providing non-public information about our investigations.”
These smug motherfuckers at 'Justice' have to be reined in at some point, and ya gotta believe that moment is coming. Jordan is a no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners kinda guy who will burn their fuckin' house down if they piss him off too much. It'll be worth watching at the very least.

I had a girlfriend fell down a hole once...



The face kinda says it all, don't it? And there's one more thing. What is it 
with these Brit Royal women and those fuckin' hats? Jeez...




1 comment:

  1. today. willow run would be forbidden to exist by the epa and osha


Take a shot this one, Auntie...