Wednesday, January 25, 2023

People will always surprise you, but only if you let them...

 I heard this from my father a long time ago: 'You can only be disappointed when you have expectations, so don't have 'em'...  

Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni at Cinecittà film studios in Rome in 1955.


The only reason I bring this up again is to point out, yet again, that California has just about the most stringent gun laws in the nation, along the lines of  Illinois, New York and New Jersey. Strict guns laws cannot and will not ever stop some crazy, pissed off motherfucker from figuring out a way to kill a shitload of people for no other reason than to display his pissedoffidness. Liberal, mostly all Democrat politicians will never understand that, and continue to clamor to take away the guns of law-abiding citizens like me and you. We must fight as hard as possible to prevent that. 

The night before we were supposed to leave New Jersey for Florida was very dangerous. 
We ended up getting torched and couldn't leave.


Used water from Walt Disney World's now closed Splash Mountain ride is being sold on eBay for big bucks. Listings began popping up over the weekend before the ride permanently closed on Sunday to be reimagined as Tiana's Bayou Adventure. 
One listing titled "Genuine Disney Splash Mountain water circa 2021" is going for $1,000. As of Tuesday morning, there were zero bids. More than a dozen similar listings are posted with prices ranging from 99-cents to over one thousand dollars for a 4-ounce mason jar of ride water.
In 2020, which may well forever be remembered as 'The year of the fuckin' crybabies', liberal jerkoffs called for Splash Mountain to be re-themed because of its connection to the film Song of the South, which has been the subject of very little controversy because a couple of people have described the film's portrayal of African Americans as racist and offensive, and then the rest of the crybaby wannabees chimed in and jumped on the bus to stupidville. Last month, Disney announced the official closing date so the ride can undergo its ‘Tiana’ transformation. At some point - I can guaranfuckintee ya - someone will say 'Taina' is offensive for some stupid reason or another.

Seriously - how fuckin' cool would it be to have 
one of them in your garage?






I gotta tell ya, there are days when I really don't like commenting on the day's news. Today is one of them. I fuckin' hate everybody and everything today for no good reason that I can come up with.
I thinkso, anyway. I'll letcha know.

Women workers install fixtures and assemblies to a tail fuselage section of a B-17 bomber at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant, Long Beach, California in October 1942.



Do you think your wife or
daughter would like these?

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


1 comment:

And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...