Saturday, January 7, 2023

Okay - he got the job. Can we move on now?

If meaningful change in Congress is what we get from this bullshit dog-and-pony show, that's great. Just like everything else they promise, we'll have to wait and see if they deliver. There actually were more than a few good ideas thrown at him for consideration. We'll see...

 I could while away the hours, conferrin' with the flowers,  Consultin' with the rain.
 And my head I'd be scratchin' while  my thoughts were busy hatchin'
 If I only had a brain.
 I'd unravel every riddle for any individ'le,  In trouble or in pain.
 With the thoughts I'd be thinkin'  I could be another Lincoln
 If I only had a brain.



Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester fought her way through an enemy ambush south of Baghdad, killing three insurgents with her M-4 rifle to save fellow soldiers' lives -- and became the first woman since World War II to win the Silver Star medal for valor in combat. 
The then-23-year-old from Bowling Green, Ky., won the award for skillfully leading her team of military police soldiers in a counterattack after about 50 insurgents ambushed a supply convoy they were guarding near Salman Pak. 
The medal, rare for any soldier, underscores the growing role in combat of U.S. female troops in Iraq's guerrilla war, where tens of thousands of American women have served.


A newborn was surrendered recently to Florida's only baby box, a device that lets people give up an unwanted infant anonymously. It was the first time anyone has used the baby box since organizers placed it at an Ocala fire station over two years ago.
"When we launched this box in Florida, I knew it wasn't going to be an if — it was going to be a matter of when," Monica Kelsey, the founder of Safe Haven Baby Boxes, told NPR. "This does not come as a surprise."
Kelsey, who says she was also abandoned as an infant, founded Safe Haven Baby Boxes in 2015. The program offers a way to anonymously surrender an infant to the authorities.
The organization launched the first baby box in the U.S. in Indiana in 2016, and the organization received its first surrendered newborn in 2017. There are now at least 134 baby boxes scattered across numerous fire stations and hospitals in the country, according to the organization.


Give people a chance to be scumbags and 
they almost always will. It's inhuman nature... 
Walmart CEO Doug McMillon said shoplifting is at a “historically high” level, 
adding it could cause prices to rise or shops to shut if it’s not addressed.
Technology has been developed that not only enhances the quality of self-checkout machines but could stop suspected shoplifters from using tactics such as the "banana trick", Retail Wire reported. That's where customers scan an expensive item with a code for a cheaper item.
The AI tech, produced by Edgify, allows the machine to see the items that are scanned through.
Theft-related incidents have become a major issue for supermarkets such as Walmart. Last month, McMillon issued a stark shoplifting warning while appearing on CNBC’s Squawk Box. He said: “It’s higher than what it has historically been.”
In the hardest hit economic areas of the country - like inner cities where the store's low-pricing policy is most needed - the theft rates are the highest. These are the stores that will be targeted for closure if the trend continues. Another classic example of that 'noses and faces' metaphor thing.



Where I last lived in New Jersey, this radar satellite dish was only two blocks from my house. 
This dish and it's accompanying labs and offices is known as the 'Diana Site'. It is located on Marconi Road in the Camp Evans area in Wall Twsp., a decommissioned military base that was once a part of Fort Monmouth. It was on this site that the US Army’s Project Diana team on January 10, 1946, first received radio signals bounced from the moon.
The former US Army tracking dish was used as a ground station for the TIROS I and II weather satellites and for Project Vanguard, which led to the launch of Vanguard 1, the second US satellite, in 1958. It was also an integral art of the worldwide system of radar and navigation controls for both the Mercury and Apollo space mission for NASA. 
Project Diana, named for the Roman moon goddess Diana, was an experimental project of the US Army Signal Corps in 1946 to bounce radar signals off the Moon and receive the reflected signals.This was the first experiment in radar astronomy and the first active attempt to probe another celestial body. It was the inspiration for later EME (Earth-Moon-Earth) communication techniques.
The dish was demilitarized in the 1970s.


How many hundreds of billions of our tax dollars have been given to Ukraine so that they could defend their borders? Asking for a friend...

Horatio Nelson Jackson (no relation) was an American physician and automobile pioneer. In 1903, he and driving partner Sewall K. Crocker - and his pet Pitbull - became the first people to drive an automobile across the United States. Colorized by me...

Do you have a special occasion of some kind like 
a birthday, an anniversary or some other 
event worth celebrating coming up? 

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet.  It's only $ 18.00 with free shipping.  
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

God - that's frightening on so many levels...







  1. He's a wef plant. He's gonna do nothing but the bidding of the elite.

  2. Baby box. In Poland we call them windows of life. Over 13 years, 70 windows, 120 children.


  3. Jackson’s ran on kerosene, which he bought at hardware stores.

  4. That Silver Star awarded to the female soldier happened in 2005. It is a good story but a bit dated.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...