Saturday, January 7, 2023

Maybe the ONE flub that Joe has not done on live TV. Yet...

Six journalists have been 'detained' by South Sudan security forces over viral footage of the country’s president apparently pissinghis pants.
The clip, filmed during an official event, shows South Sudanese leader Salva Kiir standing for the national anthem, initially oblivious as a stain spreads on his trousers and a pool forms at his feet. The camera abruptly turns away after Kiir and his entourage appear to notice what is happening.
On Friday, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) reported that six journalists for the state-run South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation (SSBC) had been detained by the country’s National Security Service under suspicion of an unauthorised release of the footage. 
Here's the video - it really is pretty fuckin' funny:


  1. That's why the pedo wears dark clothes , it's a warm feeling and nobody knows you pissed yourself.

  2. I only hope and pray that all the laughing hyenas arrive at a venerable age when incontinence becomes a problems

  3. Before this video who had ever heard of South Sudan?

  4. He should hire Joe's 'secret' service.

  5. That's nothing! Bai-Den sharted his pants in the Vatican?!?!

  6. Mr. Kiir, meet Mr. Biden. Depends has bought rights to all the footage.


I'm not here, but what's his name is...