Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Is it really as good for the goose as it is for the gander? I seriously doubt it...

President Joe Biden said Tuesday he was surprised when informed that government records were found by his attorneys at his former office space in Washington. He was asked about the issue after the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee requested that the U.S. intelligence conduct a “damage assessment” of potentially classified documents.
Speaking to reporters in Mexico City, Biden said his attorneys “did what they should have done” when they immediately called the National Archives about the discovery at the offices of the Penn Biden Center. He kept an office there after he left the vice presidency in 2017 until shortly before he launched his presidential campaign in 2019.





An independent bookshop has gone viral for displaying Prince Harry's memoir Spare alongside author Bella Mackie's novel How to Kill Your Family.
Bert's Books' display quickly gained thousands of likes and numerous comments when it was posted on social media earlier. Some users speculated which author would sue the Swindon (in England) bookstore first. Shop owner Alex Call, 35, said the staff thought it would be "quite light-hearted and make a few people smile."


Be careful, Mr. President. Sometimes things you say 
can come back and bite you in the ass...
He really is kinda creepy with that whispering shit.

Steinbrenner Field in Tampa where the Yankees have their spring training. I don't think there is a nicer 
minor-league stadium anywhere in the country.

Jack Kerouac reads for an audience at the Seven Arts Cafe 
in Greenwich Village in 1959.


Do you have a special occasion of some kind like 
a birthday, an anniversary or some other 
event worth celebrating coming up? 

Click on the picture above for information on this bracelet.  It's only $ 20.00 with free shipping.  
You can find something nice for your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


This is pretty funny. Almost everybody I knew back in the day actually had one themselves or somebody in their family had one. Anyway, of course none of them are anywhere to be found these days, right?
So I'm at an estate sale last weekend (you know, when the old man dies and the old ladies' kids are forcing her in to a nursing home so the kids can sell off all their shit, right?) and there's one of these on a table in the garage - with the original box. It looked like it was brand new - like it obviously had never been used. I pick it up and the price on the tag from the auctioneer? 
$ 100.00. I swear to god - they wanted 100 bucks for the fuckin' thing. I bet it's still on the table.
Just so ya know Ronco and Popeil were the same guy - the same company. 
Here's some background:



The last 10 remaining senators in Haiti’s parliament have officially 
left office, leaving the country without a single democratically elected government official.
The expiration of the officials’ terms at midnight on Monday formally concluded their time in office – and with it, the last semblance of democratic order in the beleaguered Caribbean nation.
Haiti – which is currently engulfed in gang violence and the worst malnutrition crisis in decades – now officially has no functioning parliament as the senators were the last of 30 to remain in office after successive failed efforts to hold elections.



My life summed up in a single picture:




  1. Friend of mine used to keep a pocket fisherman in his golf bag....lots of large mouth bass in those golf course ponds.....of course, all he did was throw rm back.....thrill of the catch, ya' know....

  2. Ah, Haiti. I had the "pleasure" of experiencing a lot of third-world countries while working for Uncle Sam. I would consider Haiti to be an abscessed hemorrhoid on the third-world's sphincter.

    1. How long you think before Joe sends our .mil "to straighten things out"?

  3. Italian-Sicilian Pronunciation Guide?


And they say WE drink alot?

This is a map of all of the pubs in the UK -  including  England, Scotland and Northern Ireland...     I don't care if it's true or ...