Monday, January 16, 2023

Greetings from Lake Success - 1957


If you've never been here before, let me explain 
a little something about this blog. 
I don't have an agenda. I'm not trying to convince you of anything one way or another politically or any other-wise. All I do here is put shit out there that amuses me, makes me laugh, makes me mad or simply what I get a kick out of. 
If you agree, cool. If not, well there's plenty of other things you could be doing with you free time. Maybe you could try crochetting bandages for the African Leppers like my Aunt Rose did when we were kids. I shit you not - she really did that.

Today is Martin Luther King Whatever Day. I find it hard to believe it took this long for somebody to finally say this...
AN activist has been fighting for the NAACP to change its name, saying it's "offensive and dehumanizing" to continue to call black people "colored."
Delia Gray from Tyler, Texas, wants the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) to scrap the word from its 114-year-old name.
Gray said, “When we were called colored people, it was a time of segregation. It was a time of pain. It was a time of hate.
“And so this organization should not still be referring to black people as colored people. It's time to move up and move on, you know?" Gray believes calling black people, colored people is "offensive."

If you don't give a shit about the color of someone's skin, none of this shit should matter, and no one group or another would need to have a 'National Association of Whatever'. Juss' sayin'...


I really did have a girlfriend that stupid once. She 
was dumb as a bag of rocks, but she had an unbelievable 
body and was a whole lotta fun none the less.

Is that inappropriate today? I thinks not, honeychile'...

Thanks to Mark Simone for this one...

One of the sexiest, most beautiful women who ever lived, 
Italian actress Gina Lollobrigida, has died at the age of 95.



Know someone who'd like these?

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $18.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 

 Newly empowered House Republicans on Sunday demanded the 
White House turn over all information related to its searches that have uncovered classified documents at President Joe Biden’s home and former office in the wake of more records found at his Delaware residence.
“We have a lot of questions,” said Rep. James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee.

Frank Sinatra, age 50 chews the fat with Billy Wilder at his 1966 Las Vegas wedding to Mia Farrow, age 21. In the background, are Shirley MacLaine, Dean Martin, Richard Conte, Bing Crosby and Red Skelton. The reception was held in the home of Sands Hotel owner and Sinatra buddy - Jack Entratter.

When people have too much time and too much money, 
this is what you get. 


There's a story behind this that proves my point - if you come up with one good idea, six million other people will steal your idea and run with it to steal some of your thunder. These two old hacks certainly aren't the answer, but then again the network isn't really known for original thinking, is it? Here's the story behind this headline:


You read that correctly. They paid Ten Million Dollars 
to commission that confusing, oversized, 
irrelevant piece of shit. 


And yes - this is what we had for dinner last night. You should be so lucky 
to have a guy like me around who actually knows what a good pizza is and can make one himself. Yeah - that's right. And I'm not 'Juss' sayin'...


  1. Rickvid in the Yakima ValleyJanuary 16, 2023 at 11:30 AM

    Joe, you've got to help me, man! You're my only hope! (Ok, 2 movie references there.) Would like to have your dough recipe. Here in the frosty/sweltering Yakima Valley there are ok to pretty darned good pizza establishments, buuuut, not like I remember for the east coast. Could you help a guy out?

  2. I buy it already made at Publix supermarket

  3. Re: La Lollabrigida: Okay 2023. That will DO!
    Re: Sinatra's wedding: 50 goes into 21 how many times?

  4. CNN doesn't understand that it's not having a stand-up comedian. It's having a conservative comedian who's willing to speak his mind. Those rabid leftist comedians are already not doing well in the ratings.


'Tis herself...