Friday, January 13, 2023

Do you mean like Democrats?

From the 1940 short 'Ghost breakers'.

Okay - we've had just about enough of this shit. We don't have 
any more outdoor plants to kill - the freeze last week killed 'em all.




Must be nice to be able to give yourself a raise 
any time you want one...
 House Democrats secretly passed a new rule that will see 
lawmakers get a $34,000 pay raise. Isn't that nice of them?
In one of their final acts in power, House Democrats secretly passed through a rule change that will see lawmakers in the lower chamber get a $34,000 pay raise. The new rule, proposed by Democrats on the House Administration Committee, allows House members to be reimbursed for the cost of lodging, food and travel while on official business in Washington DC. It was tucked into the House's internal rules, rather than in annual spending bills, and therefore was not debated on the House floor. Genuine cumbags, aren't they?




Major League Baseball and Baccarat - a marriage made in heaven? It all depends, but the people in Las Vegas love the idea.
Talks between the Oakland Athletics and those involved in one key Las Vegas stadium site have stalled, while talks on the other remain ongoing. Further discussions between casino magnate Phil Ruffin and A’s brass about the Las Vegas Festival Grounds site have gone quiet, according to his spokesperson.
That leaves the land where the Tropicana sits as still in play. The A’s and Bally’s Corporation have been in negotiations for more than a year regarding the building of a $1 billion domed ballpark there.
Bally’s President George Papanier, who oversees the company’s land-based casino operations, confirmed that talks with the A’s regarding the Tropicana site remain ongoing.
All of this, of course, is contingent on the A’s deciding not to remain in Oakland. In the Bay Area, the A’s have a waterfront development at the Port of Oakland’s Howard Terminal in play. The $12 billion mixed-use development would include residential, commercial, hotel and public space centered around a $1 billion waterfront ballpark.

Early 60's. Drag Racing. California. You can see it all, can't you?


Valentines Day is coming up.
Know someone who'd like these?

Click on the picture above for information on these earrings. 
They're only $26.00 with free shipping.  You can find something nice for 
your Mom, your wife, your daughter or your girlfriend right here: 


Every time I see or hear something like this I think to myself almost immediately that pols like this guy say to themselves "I really do believe that they're all idiots. They must be - they voted for me ferfucksake..."


Harold got in bed, kissed his lovely wife,
 and fell into a deep sleep. 
He awoke before the pearly Gates and St. Peter said “You died in your sleep, Harold.” Harold was stunned. "I'm dead...? No, I can't be! I've got too much to live for. Send me back to my wife!” 
St. Peter said, "Perhaps that can be arranged, but there aren’t many open spots right now. You’ve got two alternatives: you can come back to your house as a goldfish or as a hen.”
Harold never liked swimming and thought that perhaps being a hen wouldn't be that bad after all. The chickens his wife raised just ran around pecking at the ground, no stress, and at least he’d still be close to her.
Harold replied, "Okay, then I choose to be a hen.” The next thing he knew, he was covered with feathers, clucking, and pecking the ground in his old backyard! Another hen strolled up and said, "So, you're the new hen, nice to meet you. How’s your first day here?” "Not bad," replied Harold, "but I have this strange feeling inside like I'm gonna explode!” "You're ovulating," explained the hen. “Don't tell me you've never laid an egg before!” "Never.." said Harold.
"Well, just cluck twice and then push.” Harold clucked twice and pushed, and voila, out popped an egg. Harold was overcome with emotion as he experienced motherhood for the first time. He then clucked twice, pushed, and out came another egg. It felt amazing. He never new it was like this! Just as he was about to lay his third egg, his wife called out to him. “Harold! Harold!”
Happiness filled Harold as he saw her running towards him. Knowing she was there to share this moment, he was overwhelmed by joy. He clucked once, clucked twice, and suddenly felt his wife smack the back of his head. “Dammit, Harold wake up! You're shitting the bed!”

This is the AD White Reading Room in the Uris Library at Cornell University. 
It's beautiful to look at, obviously, but I have a problem with places like this. 
There are times - and it hasn't happened often but it does happen to me - when I walk in to room like this and I start to physically tremble a little, like my brain is on sensory overload and it doesn't know how to handle it. 
It happened once when we were in Rome and we went to the Vatican to visit the Sistine Chapel. The artwork and the height and the crowd and everything around me all at once I kinda freaked. We were at the Museum of Modern Art in NYC and it happened, too. Weird, right?

A frightened woman peers through a gated doorway during the riots in Newark, NJ, July 1967. I was there - not in the middle of the riots, but we lived in Newark at that time. It was fucked up, trust me. Every night after dark the sky would be all lit up in reds and oranges from the fires that were burning down the center of the city. The black business owners put those signs in their windows to let the brothers know they weren't the white or Jewish merchants so they wouldn't get trashed. And after all, it accomplished absolutely nothing for anyone.

Here's the story. I go to flea markets and estate sales 
and the like all the time. I birddog old artwork I can fuck with - repainting or whatever. Anyway, I got this really cool black & white print on canvas of this silhouetted palm tree and I needed a reference for myself when I repaint it. I didn't really this was such a cool picture in and of itself until I looked at it again yesterday afternoon. This is my front yard. That's my tree. We call him Pete.




  1. When we lived in Winter Haven we bought Norfolk Island spruce trees for Christmas and planted them in the yard after the holidays , we had a frost in the late seventies that killed them all .

  2. newark nj never recovered from the riots.

  3. They are used to pull down the screen for the projector.
    DG in StAug

  4. That's Jungle Pam in the T-Shirt.

  5. Make that "Jungle Pam Hardy"

    Premature sendage...


Think athletes today make a lot of money? The Babe started it all...

  Babe Ruth’s groundbreaking $160,000 contract with the New York Yankees in 1930 was a defining moment in baseball history, solidifying his ...