Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Ya gotta blame somebody, right, Joe?

WASHINGTON/USAToday – President Joe Biden said his administration will hold airlines accountable after nationwide flight cancellations following an extreme winter storm this past week.
“Thousands of flights nationwide have been canceled around the holidays. Our Administration is working to ensure airlines are held accountable,” Biden wrote in a tweet on Tuesday. “If you’ve been affected by cancellations, go to @USDOT’s dashboard to see if you’re entitled to compensation.”
Thousands of flights were canceled this week, with many being from Southwest Airlines. About 4,000 domestic U.S. flights were canceled Monday, according to the tracking website FlightAware, which tracks flight status in real time. 
More than 2,900 Southwest flights were canceled Monday, more than 2,500 flights were canceled Tuesday, and nearly 2,500 are canceled for Wednesday, according to FlightAware.
The Department of Transportation said Tuesday that it would look into the flight cancellations that left thousands stranded at airports.

"USDOT is concerned by Southwest’s unacceptable rate of cancellations and delays & reports of lack of prompt customer service," the department wrote in a tweet. "The Department will examine whether cancellations were controllable and if Southwest is complying with its customer service plan."


  1. Joe will have an easy fix for flight cancellation: he'll make it too expensive for the voting scum to fly. Problem solved.

  2. Can these people get any more pedantic...all symbolism over substance to make political points with the uninitiated general public. Petey Butt-Boy is not believable and sounds like THAT kid in Junior High who was a nudge and got stuffed in a locker for the duration of gym class. Putz.

  3. This could explain the bulk of Southwest's problem:

  4. well at least his flight wan't canceled for his vacation

  5. Buy a few Hunter Biden paintings for the office and the problem goes away.


I'm not here, but...