Friday, December 9, 2022

Who did they trade her for? Just some guy...

Some Russian guy you never heard of, right...  

They traded a pampered professional basketball player for a mass murderer. Makes perfect sense to me, especially when they leave other American citizens in Gulags.
Shortly after his conviction in 2011 on charges including conspiring to kill American citizens, the Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout relayed a defiant message through his lawyer as he faced the prospect of decades in prison. Bout, his lawyer said, “believes this is not the end.”
More than a decade later, Mr. Bout, 55, has been freed, despite serving less than half of his 25-year prison sentence. He was exchanged on Thursday for the American basketball star Brittney Griner, who had been imprisoned in Russia for 10 months. She was a priority return for the Biden administration because she is black and gay.
Russian officials had pressed for Mr. Bout’s return since his conviction by a New York jury on four counts that included conspiring to kill American citizens. Prosecutors said he had agreed to sell antiaircraft weapons to drug enforcement informants who were posing as arms buyers for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia.
Nice world these elite sports people live in. 
Think she'll ever take a knee again?

Is someone signalling that she may run for President in '24, or is this just a strategic power play on her part? Either way, it's wonderful and well deserved FUCK YOU to Chuck Shumer and the rest of those tap-dancing motherfuckers on the left side of the aisle.

I was listening to some Pablo Cruise on Alexa last night (Man - that 
little speaker has amazing sound)  and when I told her to shut up she relayed this message to me so it might be legit. Even if it's phony (which I doubt) it can't hurt to go along with it. 
The Amazon driver that drops stuff off at my house is a helluve nice gal and she always makes certain not to leave the shit out in full view on the front porch. Package thefts have been an issue hereabouts of late. Juss' sayin' - it doesn't cost you shit - why not participate?



We really do need to have a 'Monkey-business Meter' for these 
motherfuckers in Washington. God only knows the kinda shit they pull - 
on us with our money - on a daily basis.

Ladies Home Journal ad from 1951. When I first saw this I didn't realize 
so many of these goofy cereals had been around that long, and then I thought well, fuck - I was eatin' 'em when I was a kid - so they are pretty ancient. I guess Pep and Krumbles didn't make the cut.

Some people don't like Wikipedia, but I use it 
once in a while and it is kinda free and all.
Click on the pic to go to the 'donate page'

I want one for out in my lanai.


Have you ever been to the National Air and Space Museum? 
It's re-opened and it's free. 
If you do find yourself in DC, it's well worth the time.

Among the eight exhibitions that opened back in October is "The Wright Brothers & The Invention of the Aerial Age," featuring the museum's iconic 1903 Wright Flyer. Photo byJim Preston


Christmas will be here soon but you still have time.
 You can find something nice for Christmas for your Mom, your wife, 
your daughter or your girlfriend right here on her website: 


How to buy votes and influence people...

Biden has pumped billions of your dollars in to prop up poorly managed, under-funded Union pension programs that were on the verge of collapse because they paid out too much and took in too little, combined with just genuinely piss-poor fiscal management. 
So tell me Joe - I don't have any student loans, and I don't have a pension from a union, but I do have a mortgage. You gonna pay that off for me? When will this giveaway insanity end?
By the way - up in New jersey? The combined unfunded liabilities of New Jersey public plans have increased significantly as well, from $58 billion in 2000 to $206 billion in 2021. 
You gonna bail them out also, Joe?


Normally I hate bullshit memes like this, especially when they spew that total bullshit 'like and share' crap, but for some reason this idea resonated with me. Now granted, of course, 65 may be a bit too young to start this concept. 70 sounds a lot more realistic. Is it a coincidence I'll turn 70 this year.? Fuck you for asking...


I don't know about where you guys are, but down here, whatever the fuck this thing is it's goin' around like crazy. It's almost like half the people I know have some kinda sore throat or a cough or both.




  1. Just my 2¢: In some areas Wikipedia has already succumbed to heavy leftisst revisionism.
    I'd sooner donate (and have already) to Wiktionary; it may just be the last bulwark against the loss of our native language.

  2. The Teamsters Central States pension fund has had decades of mismanagement and outright theft. They have tried to merge with other Teamsters pension funds and UPS pulled out of the pension fund and set up a plan for their employees which really put the pension plan into a tailspin. Soon the states like California, Illinois and NY will be demanding money for their funds.

    1. And the rest of the non-union U.S. taxpayers will be slapped with the bill.

  3. Sinema going independent is like when she uses the other end of her double dong dildo, it's all the same, smells the same also.

  4. Ref Sinema "changing parties".....It means nothing. She'll still vote with democrats.

  5. If Amazon wants to give their drivers $5M in bonuses b4 Christmas, they can do so normally. This action however costs more than 5M to implement and the real goal is to train you and your behavior - most likely to create a foundation for association of being nice with monetary rewards, including in the future for customers. Road to hell etc etc



Another HillBetty delight from Twisted Hillbiily...

Her name is Jessica Barton...