Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Trouble in the Obama homestead? One can only hope...

She's out on the stump humping her newest book, and bitching about her marriage. Go figure, huh?
Michelle Obama has revealed that she 'couldn't stand' her husband, Barack, while their children were young. The former First Lady, 58, also dubbed her two daughters, Sasha and Malia, as 'terrorists' when they were small. She claims that the couple struggled while the girls were young, as they were both trying to 'advance their careers' - with her husband eventually becoming President. Michelle made the claims about her relationship with Barack, 61, while promoting her new book The Light We Carry.

The full story is here if you have the stomach for it. I don't:

Christmas may be over, but there's always someone's
birthday and anniversery to remember.

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  1. Obama was/is a Chicago machine politician. Think about all the crap that you hear about going on in Chicagoland that's directed by the politicians that run the place...

  2. Mike Robinson couldn't stand his boyfriend? I am shocked and dismayed.

  3. Where would (s)he be today if she hadn't "married" Barry? Probably just another public defender trying to get guilty people a slap on the wrist.
