Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Florida Man says 'Let's pretend I'm a cop'. Bad idea, Skippy...

By: WTSP 10 News - The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office on Thursday night arrested a man accused of impersonating a law enforcement officer while trying to pull over a real deputy. Barry Lee Hastings Jr., 35, is charged with impersonating a public officer. It happened just before 8:30 p.m. Thursday on Interstate 4.
The sheriff’s office said a black Crown Victoria with white and amber lights flashing pulled behind an off-duty Lee County deputy. The real deputy pulled to the shoulder of the interstate.
Hastings told the deputy to “slow down,” according to the sheriff’s office. The deputy asked to see Hastings’ credentials twice. The sheriff's office said Hastings told the deputy he is a law enforcement officer and his credentials were at an office. The sheriff’s office said Hastings then told the deputy to follow him back to the “station” so he could show him the supposed credentials.

The deputy told Hastings he was going to get law enforcement involved and dialed 911, according to the sheriff’s office. Hastings drove away on I-4 eastbound before a deputy stopped him. Deputies found a functional siren box and light setup inside the Crown Vic along with a CB radio.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. He IDENTIFIED as a copy, should that not be enough?
    Oops, this is Florida, Land of the Free, where they do not put up with that "I am what I think I am" BS.


On the beach in Port Noo