Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Did you have expectations for this week?

I bet your plans didn't include freezing your ass off 
in the coldest Christmas weather in 40 years...  

I know this has nothing to do with anything, but hey - that may be the reason why I do this blog - so I can have a place in my life where shit doesn't always have to make sense, capiche?
Anyway, what I'm alluding to is the way this weather guy is dressed. Jeans, white oxford open collar and a nice sports coat. Back in the 80's when I was working as an art director in ad agencies in Manhattan and Jersey, that was my official uniform. I wore basically the same exact thing (in variety of course) every single day. If I told you the girls in all of the offices really dug that look, I wouldn't be bullshitting you at all. Those were very fertile days, my friends. I'm happy to see the look is still alive and well.
Oh - about this week's weather? It's gonna suck.

The country's smallest United States Post Office is located in Ochopee, Florida, not far from my house. There's a guy that actually works in there - just not all the time.




Isn't it interesting that he comes over today to address congress before they vote on the spending bill that's gonna give his country another $ 40,000,000,000.00? Listen, I feel bad for those people just like most everybody, but fuck - what the Russkies are doing over there has a much greater impact on Central and Western European States than it does us. Why aren't they carrying the load for this guy? Why does it appear that we're the ones giving the lion's share of miliray and civilian aid to the country? Actually - there's a hard number to that - we've given them just under 90% of all of the aid they've received since the war started. Maybe it's time for someone like DJT to slap around our NATO allies and get 'em in gear here. Juss' sayin'...


How do you think that turned out last night? 
Early Merry Friggin' Christmas to me, sucka...

I know you probably don't believe me,
 but you still have time.
Click on the picture for information on these beautiful handmade earrings. 
The pair is only $18.00 and that price includes free shipping. 
(Shown larger that actual size)
You can order any of Barbara's jewelry comfortably before December 21st
 and have a reasonable expectation that it'll arrive before Christmas. 
If you're concerned about delievry time to your area, she has the option
on the page when ordering to upgrade to Priority Mail, pretty much
 guaranteeing you'll get it on time.
 Juss' so ya know...

The comment was meant to point out how absofuckinlutely worthless Fakebook has become, where 'influencers' try to sell you shit, Zuckface is trying to emulate TikTok with all the stupid 'reel shit', and nobody I know hardly ever posts something that's actaully relevant to their lives. It's kinda sad to see how easily we fuck shit up...
... - US border towns are under increasing pressure as thousands of migrants spill across the Rio Grande in a last-ditch attempt to enter the country before Title 42 is lifted. Migrants are crowding around bus terminals and sleeping on carboard boxes on the streets of El Paso (inset) - and they are the lucky ones. William Sandigo, 45, (right) told that he and his family, including his two-year-old granddaughter Katie, had rushed to cross the border before the policy expired. The family traveled from Nicaragua on a bus before crossing the Rio Grande, and spent 20 days in immigration centers across the US border. 'We knew we needed to come in before the military came in - like they have now,' he said. Maria Andrade, 35, travelled for three months on foot to reach Texas. The single mother is planning to travel to Colorado with her eight-year-old daughter after avoiding immigration authorities. 'We climbed mountains and went through rivers on our feet. I am very sad and scared for my daughter,' she said. Migrants who did not manage to evade detection faced off with National Guard troops and border patrols on Tuesday. 
The pandemic-era order was set to end at midnight – just four days before Christmas - after a previous legal challenge delayed the policy's old deadline of late May. The Supreme Court on Monday issued a temporary stay to keep the order in place, to which the Biden Administration responded - just before the Wednesday deadline - asking for it to be lifted but not until next week to ensure an 'orderly transition.'


No electronic toys for us back in '57. If we had the deluxe set of these you could stay busy for hours and hours on end. I even remember playin with them in the back of the station wagon when we were doing family roads trips. My old man was smart. He'd put all the luggage and shit up on the roof so me and my brothers could have the entire back of the car to ourselves to fuck around in.






  1. This cold is gonna hurt you in Fl more than me in MN. I recall you bragging about a warm weather Christmas not so long ago. LOL
    Seriously though I hope everyone stays safe in this cold. Sounds like it will be nasty. One more trip to the liquor store and I'm battening down the hatches.

  2. I wonder if the Florida post office is air conditioned?


Can you name the single most despicable POS on TV today? Eight letters - I'll give you the first three: JOY...

Honest to god - if you know anyone who watches this show, please just smack the fuckin' snot out out 'em for me, willya? She is genu...